The Big Crunch Theory

If all the galaxies in the universe were stationary, their gravity would attract each other then they would finally come together in a huge implosion. 
The study of cosmology shows that the galaxies are moving apart from the big bang, but is their gravity strong enough to slow down their outward flight and eventually pull them back together?

The force of gravity of a body depends on its mass. The galaxies do not contain enough mass to pull them back together but there may be invisible matter or single atoms in the spaces between the galaxies. 
If this invisible matter adds up to several times the material in the galaxies themselves then the extra gravity would reverse the expansion and eventually cause a big crunch!
The galaxies are still expanding but the big crunch theory suggests that one day they will stop. Gravity will pull them together until they collide and implode.
Difference between implode and explode: Implode is to collapse violently inwards because of external pressure.
Explode is to burst violently outwards as a result of internal pressure.
Some astronomers predict that in about 70 billion years time the galaxies will start moving together again. 

If this happens all the matter in the universe will eventually come together in a big crunch. At this point there would be another big explosion which will probably result in another universe similar to the existing one.

I hope you understood the Big Crunch Theory!
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