How Big Is Our Universe, Exactly?

You. Yes, you. You are right now reading this article somewhere in your house maybe, or somewhere outside or let's say any place. As the title says, or more precisely asks, how big is our universe? What do you think? How big our universe is? Is our universe stretching infinitely all across the space? Or can we actually measure the Area of our universe! Or at least the distance of the boundary of the universe from our Earth? How big is our universe, exactly?

What is the universe at the first place? According to the definition of universe, universe is a group of all existing matter and space considered as a whole. The universe contains a vast number of galaxies. It is also said that the universe has been expanding since the big bang 13 billion years ago. What is this big bang? You must have heard about this theory called the Big Bang Theory. What you might have not heard of, is the Big Crunch Theory and The Big Bounce Theory. Yes. Luckily, we have made some more articles about it. You may go through them if you want to know more about the theories.

Now, in a nutshell, The big bang theory explains the development of our universe throughout the billions of years of space. The Big bang is believed to be the starting point of the universe which was a huge explosion from a point after which, in a fraction of a second this universe was created. Now if the big bang theory explains the start of the universe, then its contrary, the big crunch theory, explains the end of the universe. The Big Crunch theory states that the universe, which is expanding due to the big bang, will stop one day and will start contract suddenly. It will collapse into a minute point. Everything will be destroyed and get collapsed and the universe would exist no more. Now no need to get horrified. The big crunch theory is a theory. And to make it true, it will take another billions of years. Till then, enjoy your life! And now the last chunk of the theories of space predictions is the big bounce theory. Now the start is the big bang and the end is the big crunch. Then what is the big bounce? Well, it is the repeated life of the universe. What does that mean? Well, once the universe gets collapsed due to the big crunch, the universe will once again come to life as there will be another big bang from that collapsed point! This means that we can not be sure if our universe was the first to come or were there several other universes that existed before us! And there is a probability of many universes that will come after us as well! This is the Big Bounce theory. So, I have tried to explain The Big Bang Theory, The Big Crunch Theory And The Big Bounce Theory all at once in a nutshell.

Now, the above information was important to know in order to understand our universe itself. The universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies and all other forms of matter and energy.

So, now how big is our universe? Many people believe that the universe is infinitely big and never ends. Well, let's be practical for a while and think about it. As far as we've concerned, we have a sight. We see things from our eyes. And our eyes can look till a distance after which it kind of seems as if there is nothing beyond it. The same way, the observable universe, of course not from the human perspective, but from the perspectives of our powerful telescopes and other astronomical devices, the universe is around 92 Billion light years big. Now what is a light year? Is it a distance or a time? Well, don't think that as light year has the word year in it, then it will mean that light year is a unit of time. No. Light year is a distance. How much distance? Well, a light year is the distance that light travels in a year! Such big! Light can travel around 300,000 meters in just 1 second! Just imagine how big the distance will be for 1 full year! It is around 9.46 trillion kilometers! And that's not all. Now, multiply this 9.46 trillion kilometers with 92 Billion! The number you'll get is the actual diameter of our universe! The number you'll get is 800000000000000000000000 kilometers! (8 x 10^23) This is the universe's diameter (approximately). And even then, the universe is still expanding. Well, don't forget this is just the distance of the "observable" universe. Scientists and astronomers believe that the original universe is 250 times bigger than the observable universe. Just think how large that distance would be! This world is so fascinating.

The Comparison You'll Love
The Big Bang created atoms. Atoms created molecules. Molecules along with other stuff combined and formed an organelle. Many organelles created a cell. Many cells created a tissue. Many tissues created an organ. Many organs created an organ system. Many organ systems created an organism. The organism is you. You are reading this article inside a home. Your home is in a district. Your district is in a city. Your city is in a state. Your state is in a country. Your country is in a continent. Your continent is in our Earth. Our Earth is in a solar system. Our solar system is in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way Galaxy along with other galaxies and stars form the universe. The universe also contains dark matter and dark energy. This is the whole universe in front of your eyes which is expanding more and more to such an extent that you can not even imagine. The numbers are just approximations, the real universe is you. Your knowledge. Your wisdom. Keep Learning.

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