What Is The Hottest Thing In The Universe?

As we all know that, heat is nothing but the kinetic energy of particles. The more kinetic energy, more heat will be produced by the object. So, what is kinetic energy for beginners? Or if you are more curious and let's just not forget what we've done in the previous posts, by asking deeper questions! Yes, in this case, instead of knowing kinetic energy first, we need to know what exactly is Energy itself. To not go off topic this time, we understand energy as the ability to do work. Now what is work? In physics, a work happens when a force causes an object to create some displacement. And displacement is nothing but the shortest path between any two points. See how energy, only a single word, can explain a lot of physics. So but now, what is kinetic energy? And how is it related to heat? Kinetic energy, in simple words, is a type of energy that helps a body maintain its motion. Which means, if there is more kinetic energy, the object will move faster and if there is less kinetic energy, the object will move slower. Now let's connect the points. If there is more kinetic energy at the microscopic level, then the particles start vibrating or moving. As all particles are interconnected in matter, heat is created. This means that if anything which is moving, is producing some heat. Although the heat may not be felt, but if produces at least some amount of heat. So done, this was all about heat. Next, what? After having knowledge on heat, we are ready to know the hottest thing in the universe, because if heat is the kinetic energy of particles, then what is the maximum limit or which is the highest point of heat/kinetic energy of particles which has been achieved in the whole universe? Is it natural or man-made? Let's explore.

What is the hottest thing in the universe? We take the temperature of the universe from absolute cold to absolute hot. Absolute zero, also known as the coldest possible temperature in physics is around -273.15 Degree Celsius.  And absolute hot, also known as Planck Temperature, above which PHYSICS itself doesn't work, has a mind blowing and freaking temperature of 1,420,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kelvin (1.42 x 10^32 K) But the thing is, this is the maximum limit of hottest temperatures. And nothing, really, nothing is that hot! Just look at the number and get mind blown. So let's start the countdown to the hottest THING in the universe starting right from our father Sun's surface aka the photosphere.

#1) Surface  Of  Sun : 5,500℃
#2) The Earth's Core: 6,000
#3) Sirius  (Dog Star): 9,500
#4) Nuclear Explosion: 10,000
#5) Sun's outer atmosphere: 1,000,000
#6) Supernova    Explosion: 55,000,000
#7) Neutron Star: 99,999,999,726
#8) The  LHC: 5,500,000,000,000

OH MY GOD! 5.5 Trillion℃! That's so extreme temperature! But what is this thing, LHC? It turns out that this LHC, more technically known as the LARGE HADRON COLLIDER, is the hottest thing in the universe! And guess where it is? It is right here on our Earth!

The Large Hadron Collider. What is Hadron Collider? And what is a hadron at the first place? Now, a hadron is a composite subatomic particle, which means hadron is a subatomic particle made up of elementary particles such as quarks which are held together by the strong nuclear force. Any particle that contains quarks and experiences the strong nuclear force is a hadron. So now what is a hadron collider? The large hadron collider is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. Now what does it do? It boosts protons and collides them with other protons near to the speed of light! The collision is so so fast and quick, that it produces massive and important particles such as the Higgs Boson and Top Quarks which are types of elementary particles. The LHC was built by the European Organization for nuclear research between 1998 and 2008 in collaboration with over 10000 scientists and hundreds of universities and laboratories as well as more than 100 countries. The large hadron collider took a decade to get built and costed around 4.75 Billion Dollars. The LHC consists of 27 kilometer ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way. When they smash gold particles, for a fraction of a second, the temperature reaches 5.5 trillion degrees Celsius or 9.9 degree Fahrenheit. 

So, final answer to the question, What is the hottest THING in the universe? The Answer is The Large Hadron Collider. And we humans are the ones who have created it. A powerful machine that smashes particles. Cool, isn't it?



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