Can Our Universe Destroy Itself? | Vacuum Decay | Higgs Boson | Death From Space — Episode: 02

So, today we are going to study how to wipe out our universe with not even a clue that it was there. How, you might ask. By Vacuum Decay!


So before we continue we must know two basic principles:

1) Energy Levels

Now this says that everything has an amount of energy level and higher the level, more the energy. (Higher we go, more the energy we get)

2) Stability

Now this says that every thing in this universe goes to its ground state where it is stable and we know that lower we go, lesser the energy level we get.

~Now if we take a ball or anything which is in the highest peak, then it must have more energy (Principle 1) and according to Principle 2 the ball we roll all the way down to its ground state, will lose all its energy.

Now lets get into the real stuff! (#It is totally gonna be Quantum) 

Now in our last blog Bosons | Force Field Carries | Elementary Particles we saw that each and every particle has a field in which it reacts and all the fields go to its ground state known as Vacuum State. Now every field except Higgs Field go to the Vacuum State.

Now this Field may be Meta-stable. What does that mean? 
It means that the particle pretends to be stable but its not.

Now this is called a False Vacuum! Let me explain.

The ball we took in the example is said to be in its ground state, but it may not be so in reality. It might be very far away from the real ground state, this means it has a lot of energy left to be released.

Now how does this destroy the whole universe?

If by somehow it started to move again, its speed would increase and when it hits its ground state, then massive amount of energy will be released causing a push which releases more energy and so on. Now the particle reaches the real ground state thus creating a True Vacuum.

Now this Stable Higgs Field continues to grow via the energy released, swallowing everything on its way. It grows rapidly. This continues to grow and would destroy everything in its way in about a millisecond or so. But it could take ages to reach Earth because the universe expands. 

Now this change in the energy level in the Higgs Field could change entire world of Physics and Chemistry itself! It could even change Quantum World as we know it now.

Now this is like a theory of how we see particle physics. It may not be true. So "Stay Tuned" for more posts like this!

~Thank You~



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