Chromosomes | What Makes Males And Females Different? | Science Specials Week S01 E01


Chromosomes are tiny structures which carry information that help a cell grow, survive and reproduce.

Now chromosomes are found on Nucleolus and these tiny things carry out the genetic material DNA.

But first you must learn about cells and DNA.

Top 20 Amazing Scientific Topics Explained | Part - 1

This was made by Naman on this blog, go and see it!

Now how are chromosomes formed?

When the cell is not dividing the Genetic Material which is DNA is condensed into thick thread like structures called Chromatin 

Now wait what is Chromatin?

Chromatin is a complex of DNA and protein found in eukaryotic cells. The primary function is to package long DNA molecules into more compact, denser structures.

Now let's continue...

And only when the cell is in full action division mode, the Chromatin bucks up, becomes more condensed and turns into thick structures which are called Chromosomes.

Now Males and Females have 23 pairs of Chromosomes. But only one makes a sexual difference, pair number 23.

Males have XY in the 23rd pair but Females have XX in the 23rd pair.

The Y Chromosome is smaller, has less genes and has male sex determining genes.

The X Chromosome is bigger and has more genes on it. 

~Thank you!~

I hope you learned something good today!



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