The Theory Of The Standard Model Of Particle Physics | What Are You? Who Are You? What Is Around You...?

The simplest Questions everyone could think of is "who are we?", "what are we made up of?" and "what is everything?". So, today we are going to explain each one of these questions and try to answer "What is standard model of particle physics?" so, lets zoom in!

We and everything around us are made up of matter, that is made up of atoms, and that is made up of elementary particles and these particles are the smallest particle.
There are Fields, wait what is that? It is like empty not completely but this is were Particles are formed. You will understand this as we go on.

Important: Now if we take the Electromagnetic Field it produces the particle photon which we perceive as light and not every particle are created in that way, and there is fields for every particles of matter!

Important: Now our universe's Fields could produce 17 kinds of particles and these can be divided into three groups!

Quarks have 6 types:
  • Up quark
  • down quark
  • bottom quark
  • top quark
  • charm quark
  • strange quark
Leptons also have 6 type of them:
  • Electron
  • Muon
  • Tau
  • Electron neutrino
  • muon Neutrino
  • tau neutrino
Bosons only have 5 types of them:
important: quarks and leptons are made up of matter fields, but bosons are made up of Force fields.
There are 4 kinds of force fields discovered by us:
  • Gravitational Force
  • Electromagnetic force
  • strong nuclear force
  • weak nuclear force
to know more about these force fields read this blog post: The Four Fundamental Forces In The Universe | Physics | Science Specials Week S02 E08

These Force fields controls how Particles must interact and this forms all the things around us. 
Quarks interact with each other by electromagnetic and strong nuclear force, Leptons like electrons interact by electromagnetic force, etc.
Bosons are like messengers between quarks to quarks and electron to proton! 

quarks make groups and form the proton and the neutron. So the quarks and the leptons makes up matter particles around us.
*so now we know that we and everything around us are made up of Quarks and Leptons

Now this is called the theory of the standard model of particle physics.

*And what about the the last question? who are we?
We are nothing but the disturbances between the ocean of particles and guided by the forces that make up the rules of the universe.

~thank you~


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