Bosons | Force Field Carries | Elementary Particles

What are bosons? They are one of the 3 elementary particles which are made and they carry Force Fields.

Now lets talk about the types of Bosons:

Bosons only have 5 types of them:
  • Photon
  • Gluon
  • z boson
  • w boson
  • higgs

Now lets talk about Photons. These are Quanta of light that carry electromagnetic force. These particles are used to communicate with the Electron and the nucleus of an atom.

Now Gluon Carries out strong nuclear force and also Helps to hold the nucleus, the proton and the neutron together.

Z Boson Carries the Weak Nuclear force and unlike photons and gluons, z boson has mass.

w boson are the just same of the z boson. it carries weak nuclear force and also has mass.

*Z AND W bosons play an important role in the transformation of proton and neutron into each other. This happens in the fusion reaction of the sun.
Now to see the z and w bosons we need a particle accelerator.

*These 4 bosons are called the gauge bosons. but higgs are called scalar bosons.
Gauge bosons are named so because it has 1 spin, but higgs has zero spin.

Higgs are crazy things!!! this particle plays with quantum and has the power to destroy quantum and everything! and every other particle reacts with higgs and obtains mass.
And we will talk more about this higgs which plays quantum in our next posts. so, stay tuned!

~thank you~

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