The Atoms: Electrons, Protons And Neutrons | Science Specials Week S01 E16 | Season Finale

Atoms: Electrons, Protons And Neutrons

Atoms: Electrons, Protons And Neutrons | Science

What Are Atoms If You Ask Me,

I'll Rather Say Atoms Are The Smallest Substance Of Any Object... But Wait, Is There Any Glitch? 

Yes, Of Course, The Question Was What Are Atoms And Not What Is The Size Of Atoms.

If You Ever Had A Chance To Go To Meet A Scientist In A Lab, Then Have You Ever Seen A Periodic Table Hanging In There?

It's Really Lucky To Go In There, Play With Some Sorts Of Chemicals, Dirty Your Hands And All Other Stuff. But Have You Ever Wondered In The First Place, That What Exactly Are Chemicals? If You Haven't Ever Wondered, Then Welcome To This Blog And Get Ready To Understand The Basics!


In Your Childhood, You Must Have Experienced Your Parents Saying Not To Touch Fire, Not To Play With Acids Even When You Didn’t Knew What Are These Things. You Just Got Baffled And Grew Up To Understand Why Did You Experience All These "No's" In Your Childhood. You Wondered About What Is Inside The Toilet Cleaner Like Harpic, A Blue Colored Bottle With A Little Red Opening At Its Mouth. It Will Be Written Not For Kids To Play And You Got More Curious To Open And See If There Was Any Amazing Stuff To Make You Feel More Happier. Yeah.. All These Memories Wouldn't Get Destroyed If You Ever Actually Played With Them And Got Your Hands Burnt! What! So Does That Mean Harpic Bottle Has Some Acid Inside It. Then Why Doesn’t The Container Gets Burned? Curiosity Was Like A Pain Killer. And A Keen Kid Would Have Gone Ahead One Step Further And Asked That Why Are Acids Required To Clean The Toilets, But..But..But, What Are These Mysterious Acids At The First Place! All Sorts Of Why Tired You Out And You Had No Choice But To Leave It As It Is Instead Of Using Internet. Today's Generation, As They Say, Is More Advanced With Technology And Is Becoming More Intelligent. But Why Do We Even Need To Study Science And Why Not Some Other Thing? A Question Children Needed An Answer Years Ago. Other Crazy Questions Could Be, Why Our Eyes Hurt So Much When Some Body Squeezed Lemon/Orange Peels Near Our Eyes? An Amazing Question To Ask. Then Some Can Even Ask Why Does Onions Make Us Cry. Many People Knew The Answer A Lot Earlier Than This Question Become More Famous. Another Biggest And Toughest Question In The World Was Just As Simple To Hear- What Is Life? Though It Seems So Simple But It Is As Hard To Answer This As Simple It Seems To Be. So Never Judge A Book, As They Say, By Its Cover. And This Was To Introduce You To Someone Which Is The Real And The Most Basic Particle Of Like Anything. So What Is It? Now Some Geniuses Would Answer It As Atoms But Does It Really Matters To Know What We Don’t Know From Its Basic Structure. Humans Just Don’t Need A Glimpse, But An Entire Deep Detail Of Why Is It Happening, What Is It That..., How Is It That..., Etc. So By The Title You Entered This Section And Now You Want To Ask More And More Questions, So What Do You Think Which Is Crazy, Creating More And More Tougher Questions Or Answering Them In A Simple Definition, Again A Question For You To Test Science. So If You Made It All The Way Till Here, Then You Are Ready To Take A Foot Ahead Of All Your Imaginations To Learn Something New Once Again! So Let’s Begin Exploring "The Atomic World"...


The Basics

Today If You Go To The Internet And Search Atoms, It Will Show You This-

"It Is Composed Of Protons, Which Have A Positive Charge, And Neutrons, Which Have No Charge. Protons, Neutrons, And The Electrons Surrounding Them Are Long-Lived Particles Present In All Ordinary, Naturally Occurring Atoms. Other Subatomic Particles May Be Found In Association With These Three Types Of Particles."

So, First Of All Before Understanding Atoms, We Surely Need To Have A Picture In Our Mind Of How Does It Looks Like...

Here Above You Can See The Structure Of An Atom, By The Way, An Atom Is Simply The Smallest Thing Or Component Of Any Substance. So In The Structure Of Atoms, You Can See That There Are Some Balls, Some Rings All Designed And Attached Together Beautifully To Form What’s Called An Atom. It Has Protons, Neutrons And Electrons. But A Child Keeps Getting Confused Of What Is This Going On. He Says "I Don’t Understand What You Are Teaching". So To Make It Really Simple, We Can Use What’s Called A Microscope. If You Know Already What’s It, Then Great, If Not Then A Microscope Is An Instrument Used To View Very Very Small Things Into A Normal Size A Human Eyeball Can See. In Other Words, It Magnifies The Object To A Great Extent.

A Microscope Looks Similar To This-

So This Microscope Is Mostly Used In Medical Issues To Zoom A Blood Cell Or Something Like That. So Let’s Takes A Metal For Example, Like Iron The Most Common Being. Now If You Don’t Know The Complete Meaning And Set Of Metals Then You May Read About it In our upcoming blogs which is about the Periodic Table Of Elements.

So Our Metal Iron Shows More And More Details On Its Surfaces If We Keep On Zooming It Until We Go To A Great Extent And See The Atoms! If Its Iron That You’re Zooming, Then You'll Find 26 + 26 Really Really Really Small Balls In A Nucleus As They Name It. Plus 26 Other Balls Named Electrons Which Revolve Continuously Around The Nucleus. Now Why Is It Only 26? This We Will Be Discussing To A Small Extent Here And You Will Understand It More Deeply In The Next Part Of This Blog.

Like If You Take The First Element Of The Periodic Table I.E. Hydrogen As An Example, It Has Just 1 Proton And 1 Electron Revolving In Its Nucleus. There Is No Neutron As There Isn’t Any Proton To Repel It From Itself. So Now, Having The Basics Set, Let’s Understand Its Uses What Are They Actually...


What Are The Subatomic Substances And Their Uses

Please Note That The Word Subatomic Means The Substances Present Inside An Atom (Electron, Proton And Neutron).

1) Proton: Think This Word Proton As A Ball. Okay. And Imagine It To Be Inside A Bigger Ball Called The Nucleus. Now This Proton Needs A Friend Because It Can’t Stay Alone. So, We Bring In Another Ball Called Electron. But Electron Is Too Fast. It Cannot Stay At A Place. It Wants To Run. But The Proton Wants It To Stay With Him. So Electron Ball Revolves Around Proton So That They Don’t Get Separated.

And Thinking Of This Analogy, You Might Be Laughing On Why Does A Proton Need A Friend? Is Proton A Living Being At The First Place? Why Is Electron So Fast And Why It Wants To Run? This Analogy Might Seem You To Be Pretty Dumb In One Sense. But Remember, There Are Analogies That Help You Remember And There Are Analogies That Help You Progress.

So If One Day, They Ask You To Draw An Atom And You Learned Or Remembered This Boring Analogy 1, It Might Help You To At least Visualize A Picture In Your Mind Because An Atom Is Very Complicated If We Look It In The Way In The Earlier Atom Photo. But Soon That Photo Will Be Replaced By This In Your Mind Which Makes A Lot Of Sense...

Above Is An Atom Of Lithium, The 3rd Element Of The Periodic Table. It Has 3 Protons, 3 Electrons And 3 Neutrons. Now Protons Are Kind Of Amazing. Do You Know Why? Because If You Ever Want To Know How Many Electrons And Neutrons Are There In An Atom, You Can Check Out The Protons Because There Are Similar No. Of Subatomic Particles As There Are Protons.

So Now, To Throw A Couple Of Words On You,

A Proton Is A Subatomic Particle With A Positive Charge And It Stays In The Nucleus Of An Atom.

"A Proton Is A Subatomic Particle, Symbol P Or P, With A Positive Electric Charge Of +1e Elementary Charge And A Mass Slightly Less Than That Of A Neutron".

This Definition Works Out To Be Well With Our Understanding Of Protons.

2) Electrons: Now Electrons Are Kind Of Interesting Too Because If Proton Is Positive Then An Electron Is Negative. Yes. It Has A Negative Charge In It. Now What Are Charges That We Are Reading Again And Again? Well, In Simple Words Or In One Line-

"Electric Charge Is The Physical Property Of Matter That Causes It To Experience A Force When Placed In An Electromagnetic Field. There Are Two Types Of Electric Charge: Positive And Negative. Like Charges Repel Each Other And Unlike Charges Attract Each Other."

Now This Definition Might Seem To Complicated, But For Now We Don’t Have To Go Deep In Charges. I Am Not Saying It’s Not Important, It Is Important, But Right Now We Have To Focus On Electrons. 

Now, These Electrons Go And Revolve Around The Nucleus. But Wait.. If You Think Why Is It So, Then It Is A Brilliant Question To Ask!

So Now, To Throw A Couple Of Words Again On You,

An Electron Is A Subatomic Particle With A Negative Charge And It Revolves Around The Nucleus Of An Atom. 

Another Great Question Can Be Why Doesn’t The Electron Fall Inside The Nucleus?

Amazing Series Of Questions...!

3) Neutrons: Okay, So Up till Now We Were Dealing With Positive Charges And Negative Charges. But Is There Any Third Charge For Our Neutron?

Well, Turns Out That Mr. Neutron Is Neutral! Means He's Neither Positive Nor Negative! But Why Does An Atom Even Need A Neutron?

The Answer Is Simple Because Proton Here Needs Another Guy To Resist The Repulsion Created By Another Proton. Still Confused? 

See, Two Identical Charges Always Repels. To Understand This. Take 2 Magnets And Try To Attach The North Pole Of One Magnet With North Pole Of Another Magnet. Usually There Are 2 Poles, Namely North And South Poles In A Magnet. You Will Find That They Both Repel Or In Other Words They Resist Each Other From Attracting. But The Moment You Turn The Magnet And Try To Join The North Pole Of One To The South Pole Of One, They Attract Much Faster Than You Can Even Try.

Okay, So Now You Know That How Equal Charges Repel And Unequal Charges Attract. And Neutron Being Neutral Doesn’t Allows The Protons (Other Than Hydrogen Where Neutrons Are Not There As Only 1 Proton Is There And There Is No Repulsion) To Repel From The Other Protons In The Nucleus.

Neutrons And Protons Are Held Together In A Nucleus By Nuclear Forces. And Because Of This Nuclear Force, Protons Don’t Repel Otherwise You Know That They Have A Very Very Large Repulsive Force. That's The Reason Why There Are As Many Neutrons As There Are Protons.

Okay, So Before Moving Further, Let Us Understand How Electrons And Protons Don’t Get Separated.


The Responsibilities

1) The Electrostatic Force Is Responsible For The Holding Up Of Electrons And Protons. Due To Electrostatic Force Of Attraction, Unlike Charges Attract.

2) Neutrons And Protons Are Held Together In A Nucleus By Nuclear Forces. And Because Of This Nuclear Force, Protons Don’t Repel Otherwise You Know That They Have A Very Very Large Repulsive Force. That's The Reason Why There Are As Many Neutrons As There Are Protons.


The Complication

"Electrostatic Force Is Much Much Stronger Than Gravitational Force. (Keep In Mind!)

Electrostatic Force-

Fe=Kq1q2/R2 (Where R Is The Distance Between Two Subatomic Particles).

Gravitational Force-


Do Not Take The Above Quoted Things Too Seriously. This Was Provided For Knowledge.

* So Now Your Brain Has Been Loaded With The Above Lots Of Knowledge. Just To Add A Little More To It.

Each Shell Of An Atom Has "2n^2" Electrons (2 N Square) Where 'N' Represents The Number Of Shells.


According To Quantum Mechanics-

The First Shell Of An Atom Has 2 Electrons,

The Second Shell Of An Atom Has (2 X 2squared (Where 2 Is N)) 8 Electrons,

And The Third Shell Of An Atom Has (2 X 3squared (Where 3 Is N)) 18 Electrons. And So On And On...

Above Is The Atomic Representation Of Iron..



Welcome To Checkpoint 1. Here We Will Test You And See How Curious And Active You Were Reading The Previous Info.

All The Best! Post Your Answers In The Comment! Only Curious Legends Can Answer! Let Us Start.


Q1) True Or False-

A) Atoms Are The Smallest Particle Of A Substance Leaving Quarks.

B) There Is No Neutron In Hydrogen.

C) According To Quantum Mechanics, There Exists 36 Electrons In The Fourth Shell Of An Atom.

D) The Word Micro Means 10 To The Power -6. 

Very Short Answer- (Q2 To Q10)

Q2) What Is The First Element In The Periodic Table?

Q3) What Is The Atomic Weight Of Hydrogen?

Q4) How Many Protons Does Iron Has?

Q5) Give 2 Examples Of Electrostatic Force.

Q6) State The Formula For Gravitation. (Warning: Do Not Go Above To See The Formula!)

Q7) Fe=Kq1q2/R2 Is The Formula For-

A. Electrostatic Force Or B. Gravitational Force

Q8) According To Quantum Physics, How Many Electrons Are Present In The 4th Shell Of An Atom? 

Q9) How Many Elements Are Present In The Periodic Table? Also Tell How Many Occur Naturally And Out Of Them How Much Are Metals And What Is The Number Of Non-Metals.

Q10) Give All Examples Of Noble Gases With Their Atomic Alphabet (Like Iron-Fe).

Short Answer- (Q11 To Q15)

Q11) Define A Neutron.

Q12) What Is The Valency Of Lithium? Name The Atomic Number Of Lithium And Also Tell In Which Category Does It Belongs To.

Q13) Define An Ion.

Q14) Define An Atom.

Q15) Name All The Alkali Metals. Also Name All The Actinides With Their Atomic Alphabets.

*So These Are The Important Questions And If You Cracked All, Then You Are Ready To Hop In In The Next Part Which Is All About Valency, Ionization Energy Etc.

If You Know All The Answers, Post Them Down In The Comment. If Not, Then No Problem, You May Post The Answers You Know.

So, Now Let Us Start Part-2!


Amazing Fact

Different Forms Of The Same Element Are Known As Allotropes. (Keep In Mind)

Reason Why Electrostatic Forc Isnt There Everywhere

Most Things Around Us Are Neutral. We Are Electrically Neutral To A Large Extent. The Positive And Negative Charges Are Almost In A Perfect Balance And Cancel To Give A Net Charge Of Zero (0). That’s Why Though Electrostatic Force Is A Million Times Stronger Than Gravity, We Do Not Feel It Everywhere.


In A Neutral Atom-

2 Protons- Repel

2 Electrons- Repel

1 Proton, 1 Electron- Attract

1 Electron, 1 Proton- Attract

Let's kick out the electrons!

So we saw what all happens with helium, but the fascination starts, when we move on to the third element of the periodic classification which is knows as "Lithium"!

It has 3 protons, 3 electrons and neutrons. As we know the nucleaus of an atom has protons and neutrons in it. And in lithium, as you can see above, has 2 electrons in it's first shell and only 1 electron present in the last shell which is also known as the valence shell!

Now, if you had paid attention, you would know that this is because of the law of quantum mechanics that there cannot exist more than 2 electrons in first shell.

To know more on existence, visit the blog "Do you exist? | Science Special Week EP.03" in our blog. Go check out that after reading this.

In lithium, we observe that there are 2 forces on the last or the valence electron present in the second shell.

One from the protons pulling it inwards and one from the surrounding electrons pushing it outwards. The electrons pushing it outwards are a lot closer to the valence electron as you can see in the diagram, than the protons pulling it inwards from the nucleus.

So the valence electron or the electron present in the last shell of lithium can very easily be knocked off out of its second shell.

Please note that any substance or any atom which when gives out its electrons, are considered to react in the particular environment.

Kicking out of electrons can be useful to make substances like salts. Like when sodium and chlorine react together, they produce sodium chloride which is just common salt. (Nacl for short). What happens is that as sodium is an alkali metal it has one electron more present in its valence shell, and as chlorine is a halogen, it has one less electron in its outer shell to complete its octate. Well, octates are stable. So as chlorine badly wanted an electron and sodium badly wants to give electron, they both can form what's called a bond! In this case, sodium gives chlorine its outer electron and chlorine get stable and the result of this reaction is sodium chloride which is just the common salt. Sodium get stable and chlorine too gets stable and therefore this becomes an ionic bond.

In chemistry, the valency of an element is the measure of its combining capacity with other atoms when it forms chemical compounds or molecules.
If we take an example, completely filed shells are stable like the first shell of lithium. It has all required electrons.
Lithium loses its third electron of its outer Most shell and becomes stable!
Amazing science!
An ion is an atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons.
Well, you might be wondering that why do we even need to know about ions. It is because its the ions that are stable, atleast Mostly. Because when lithium loses an electron and gains a positive charge, then it becomes an ion. And guess what? It becomes stable as well! Amazing!
In simple words, ionization energy is the minimum amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron or mostly the valence electron of an isolated neutral gaseous atom or molecule.

So, are you curious to know the ionization energy of first ten elements!?

This graph above shows the ionization energy of the first ten elements of the periodic table! Enjoy!
And this is the end of the Science Specials Week Season 1.

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  1. Omg bro this is so big but so informative plz give us more information like these


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