String Field Theory | History Of String Theory | Basics Of String Theory | Quantum Mechanics | The Theory Of Everything! | Science Specials Week S02 E10

Atoms are made up of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons and we know that every neutron and proton is made up of Quarks. But we can't see the Quarks because the light or Electromagnetic wave could not bounce back because the Quarks are too small to see! Now we can't even tell where a particle goes and where it is. This is called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal and to know more about it visit "If You Wouldn't Had Seen It, It Wouldn't Had Been There" - Albert Einstein | Exploring Ideas Of Quantum Mechanics | Principle 2: The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle | Science Specials Week S02 E04.

Now to find about the Quarks or the Particle we discovered Point Particle which works with Quantum Field Theory. This tells a Particle is a Point in space and by this we could find the properties of the Particle and this worked!

Now this one also had a problem as Gravity! Now we know every force is made up of different kinds of particles. But Gravity according to General Relativity is different. It holds up the particles of force. But in Quantum Field we could not measure Gravity and everything collapses because we should measure the point by Gravity.

Now here comes the String Theory, The Theory Of Everything!!! This was made up by improving the Point or a Line or String this is how String Theory was Discovered!

Now this states that every Particle, Atom, Molecule and everything is a vibrating string thing! Now if we apply force to a string it produces Sound but here when a string vibrates it produces a actual particle. And it also suggests Gravity as a vibrating string!

So it became The Theory Of Everything!

But String Theory works with 10 Dimensions. But we know about only about 4 Dimensions, so we cancelled other 6 Dimensions. But also we haven't proven it mathematically. So for now it is not the Theory Of Everything! But also it will work in some places with Quantum field etc. 
So that's it for today guys! If you want more such creative and new topics in science, follow our website and do read our other Science Specials Week S02 Posts!

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