Black Holes | One Of The Fascinating Things Of Space | Science Specials Week S02 E09

Now Stars like our Sun combines Hydrogen Atoms to make Helium Atom and this releases Energy and Radiation. And to know more about our Sun's Life visit The Bio - Sketch Of Our Sun... | Life of a Star But More massive Stars than our Sun could combine atoms until Iron comes. When more and more Iron comes in it core, Gravity starts to crush it because Iron does not release Radiations like other atoms. Then the Core Collapses and A Super Nova Occurs causing a Neutron Star or a Black Hole!

Now The Black Part is the Event Horizon and nothing can escape its Gravitational Force, than the Singularity in infinitely Dense. Now we know Space-Time is like a fabric and this Black Hole creates a very big drop in the Fabric causing Time to slow down! Its like Time Traveling! If You take a space craft which could make Wormholes and you go nearest Black Hole and stay in a distance. Now wait here for 1 hour and return back to home. Then you see that Many Years would have passed! This is because More the Gravity the slower the Time goes. Now this might cause Time Paradox.

Now the Singularity of all the Black Holes look the same because all the masses becomes a infinitely small point! And the Mass can't be calculated even by General Relativity!

Now every Black Hole is spinning at speeds near to light causing a field near it which also spins known as Ergosphere. 

Now most of the Black Holes have  Rings that is made up of Matter known as Accretion Disk. Now these Matter burns due to Friction and gives Light. Light also orbits around the Black Hole and wherever you see near a Black Hole you will see yourself! This is because light orbits the Black Hole and the Light reflected from you goes around comes back to your eyes!   

Now if you enter cross the Event Horizon the Gravity will torn you apart cell be cell until nothing remains. Now this changes in different kinds of Black Holes. In a smaller one you will die quickly, but in a bigger one you could go on for a while before you reach Singularity! Now there are Mini Black Holes to Super Massive Black Holes. XTE J1650-500 is the smallest Black Holes we ever discovered! B023-G078 is the largest Black Hole ever Discovered!

Now in Empty Space due to Quantum Fluctuations Matter and Antimatter or Virtual Particles are born and disappeared when 2 virtual particles ( Matter and Antimatter ) comes in contact. But when it happens in the Event Horizon one particle goes inside the Black Hole and the another particle becomes real. This process happens every time causing the Black Hole to evaporate and when it is going to Die it explodes like 10,000 Nuclear Booms and Disappears. This is called Hawking Radiation! But this process will take Billions and Billions and Billions... of years! 

~Thank You~

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