The Wormhole Theory | Quantum Physics And Space | Science Specials Week S02 E03

Wormhole or Einstein-Rosen Bridge is a tunnel like thing which connects two points in the space and by using this we could travel faster than light! Now wormhole starts with a Black hole and ends with a Black hole. Now we are not sure that Wormholes exist but we can't tell it does not exits because of THE THEORY OF GENERAL RELATIVITY which describes the Wormholes mathematically!

Now according to Einstein  Space-Time is like a 3 Dimensional Fabric with Time as its 4th Dimension. Now when we curve this Fabric and make holes and connect them we get a Wormhole.

Now when a object compresses and continues the deeper the curve in the Space-Time will be and eventually it will become a Black Hole and there is a possibility that it will lead to a White Hole in another Dimension by a Wormhole! Now this is Einstein-Rosen Bridge Wormhole.

Now there is another kind of Wormhole called the Traversable Wormhole which talks about String Theory. Now there are Quantum Fluctuations and now this might have created Wormholes by Cosmic Strings.

Now Quantum Fluctuations are nothing but changes in amount of energy or random changes just temporary in space explained in Werner Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principal. To learn Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principal, read Science Specials Week S02 E04 by Naman Dwivedi.

Cosmic Strings are strings in the universe which we don't know if it exists or not.
Now these Cosmic Strings stops the Gravity from closing the Traversable Wormhole.

Now before we end this blog we should talk about Exotic Matter! This matter has Negative Mass (Matter has Positive Mass). Now this Matter is repulsive in nature and this helps the Wormhole from not being closed. Now this can be created by Quantum Fluctuation.
Now, this General Relativity, String Theory, etc. will be discussed in our later Blogs!

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