Components Of The Blood! | Blood | RBC & WBC | Blood Group | Science Specials Week S02 E02

Blood the most important component to keep us alive! It carries Oxygenated Blood, nutrients, gives as blood pressure to equalize atmospheric pressure etc. But do you ever wondered what the blood contains? That's why I am going to explain about the components of the Blood!

Okay there are 3 main components in the blood.

  • Plasma is 55% of our blood, it contains water, proteins, gases etc. It is dull yellow in colour. The proteins helps in the maintenance of the health.

  • Erythrocytes or Red Blood Cell ( RBC ) is 45% of our blood. It is red because of the Hemoglobin a type of iron or protein. It caries oxygen through the body and carbon dioxide out.

  • Buffy Coat is 1% of our blood. It contains Platelets and Leukocytes or White Blood Cell ( WBC ).

  • Platelets's only job is to clot blood when the body is hurt.

  • White Blood Cell ( WBC )'s job, and the important one is to fight foreign particles like virus, bacteria etc.

  Now there are 5 types of WBC based on the presence and the absence of Granules  ( Small Particles ).
  • Granulocytes ( With Granules )
  • Agranulocytes ( Without Granules )

Neutrophils, Eosinophils and Basophils are Granulocytes.
Monocytes and Lymphocytes are Agranulocytes.   

Fact On Blood
The Blood Group is decide by the Antigens present in the outer most part of the Red Blood Cell like A and B. AB Blood Group has both the Antigens A and B. But O Blood Group doesn't have any Antigens
Now the + and - Blood Group is decided by Rh a protein and if you lack in this protein this means you are - Blood Group and vice versa 

That's it! I hope you enjoyed this blog!
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