Do You Exist? Part 2! | Exploring Ideas Of Quantum Mechanics | The Hardest Topic In The World | Principle 1: Wave Particle Duality | Science Specials Week S02 E01

"According to quantum mechanics, the quantum entanglement is faster than the speed of light and connects two particles no matter how far they are"

According to quantum mechanics, there exists a theory called string field theory which resolves the inconsistencies of quantum gravity and said that atoms, the fundamental thing present in everything, was made of very small strings, smaller than quarks, which were vibrating all the time.

According to quantum mechanics, there exists S, P, D And F shells in an atom that feature the electronic configuration of an atom.

All this while, we were rushing throughout the principles of quantum mechanics but there was one thing at the first place that we didn't know. What exactly is Quantum Mechanics?!

We study science. We do science. We see science. Agree? Science is the field that is used in our daily life activities and the most important thing is that we can see it happen. And it is a belief that humans accept things that they see. That's why there are laws in science that appealed the law-makers to be quite satisfying in our daily life. They saw it happen, so they made the laws. It is not like they suddenly went bananas and made any law just like that. No.

Then why is Quantum Physics the hardest topic in the world. Well, it is not about whether quantum is hard or easy, it is about do we see it happen in real life? The answer is a no and a yes. What?

I said no because quantum mechanics is basically the study of atoms and subatomic particles and things that they do. And as we all know, we can not see an atom with a naked eye. It's kind of impossible. And then, I said a yes because these such small particles can cause stuff to change at a GLOBAL level! How? Nuclear Bombs, Atom Bombs, Nuclear Power Plants, Photodetectors, LED's, Transistors, Lasers etc. all function at the laws of quantum mechanics.

We wouldn't had these stuff going on if humans never discovered this unusual topic that became the hardest topic in the world. As quantum mechanics deals with out of the world type theories, complex atomic studies, quarks, quantum fluctuations etc., it isn't that easy for someone to understand it completely. No person has ever understood it completely.

So, quantum physics is the field in physics that deals with the study with very small objects. Like: Molecules, Atoms, Protons, Electrons, Neutrons, Quarks. And mind you, the whole universe is currently surviving on quantum physics as it works on the BASIS of quantum physics.

So, here I am, where I will tell you many quantum principles one by one, because if you learn them all together, you might not understand a thing. So today we have our first quantum principle which questions our existence in some way. The wave particle duality.

If we study more on quantum, all the subatomic particles are not particles in the perspective of quantum physics, but they are all WAVES.

So, in common chemistry, we draw a circle on the shells of an atom and name it as an electron. But in quantum physics, an electron is represented as a wave and this representation of an electron as a wave in quantum mechanics is known as "Wave Particle Duality".

Now these waves in quantum aren't physical waves and we need mathematical calculations to figure out the configuration of an electron on the wave. Basically calculations are done on the wave to know where an electron can be in the atom. Note: We are still talking about the waves.

So we take the amplitude of the wave and square it and then we get a new wave. This new wave that we got mathematically gives us the most probable distribution and tells us where are the higher possibilities of an electron to be there. 

Confused? See, we know in our world, that electrons are very likely to be present ON the shells but very less likely to be present NOT ON the shells. This phenomenon gives us the probability that where can an electron be on an atom. And now convert all these real world statements into quantum physics where nothing is a particle, but a wave, then we get the probability distribution that we got from the calculation we did.

Now hold on before you move ahead, there is one thing that is to be known is that scientists have only predicted that there exists quantum waves in our universe even though no one has ever seen it. The only thing we do see is a small electron particle in the real world. But it is interesting to know when this type of principles exist in quantum world.

Wave particle duality shows what a subatomic particle can do but we still don't know whether it is real or just mathematically proven. So, basically in the hidden quantum world, waves do exist, but when we SEE them in our real world, they become electrons. Does that mean when we close our eyes, the particles becomes waves?! Is it possible? Think about it.

A very famous experiment known as Double-Slit experiment shows that when the electrons are fired from a gun through a slit, then, while reaching the slit all the electrons are in the form of waves, but when they cross the slit, they become particles! Basically, not to stretch things up for you, when an observer is present, we see electrons as particles, but when we don't see them, they are present in the form of waves!

But how? This is what scientists do not know. The How.

Wait, if that's true, then try recalling the post on "Do You Exist?", there we found that when we are looking at something, it exists because we are seeing it, but when we do not see anything, then the electrons that compose the object becomes in the form of waves and then, THE OBJECT DOESN'T EXIST. No need to even close your eyes, if you are at your home, then you must be not seeing your school, then what is your school. It is present in the form of waves. So? So, it doesn't exists. 

But one thing I didn't tell you seriously was that if an object is a wave, then it DOESN'T EXISTS IN ITS SOLID FORM! And that's what I was trying to tell you. 

But when you see them, then we apply the Double Slit experiment which says, in the presence of an observer, the waves becomes particle, and when particles are present, then atoms are fulfilled, when atoms are fulfilled, then molecules and bigger and bigger chunks start forming, thus giving us the object we see.

But wait, if no one has seen quantum waves and has never proven it, then is all this still right? The thing is, if anyone proves this theory, then scientists predict this thing to be correct. Currently researches are been going on.

So no need to worry, you do exist. BUT, if scientists someday figure out a way to see quantum waves, then will our GAME BE OVER...?

Okay, no need to get confused. You do exist because you SEE yourself existing. But as no one has ever seen quantum waves, people do not believe that they don't exist. Once they see the waves, then it is obvious that we do not exist. But as we know if we try to see electrons as waves, it immediately becomes particles. That's the reason why it is still a debate whether we exist or not. 
But, if somehow, scientists see the quantum waves, then YOU DO NOT EXIST IN YOUR SOLID STATE (according to quantum mechanics). Anyways, you do exist but not in a solid form, instead you exist in your wave form (according to quantum mechanics).

That's why I said in the beginning that it is a belief that humans believe things that they see, and no one has seen these waves, so many of them even neglect them, but for scientists and curious minds, this is a topic that is very very interesting! 


So, I guess this was enough for your mind to be blown, save it so that you can read the next part and comment me whether you believe in quantum physics or not. If you have any queries, please contact me or send me your questions. So, I hope you finally, finally, got the answer of whether you exist or not.

To read Do You Exist? Part 1 - Click this link below.

In the above link, there is some content regarding Einstein's Famous Formula : e = mc^2. So go check it out right now!

So, finally in this part, we learned about the Wave Particle Duality And A LOT other things as well. 
So this was the first episode of Science Specials Week Season 2!
We will meet you very very soon with another quantum theory. Share if you think this principle is true.

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