3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 | π Day - 14th March

π! Yes, Pi! 
Today is 14th March -  π Day!
Which is 3.14159265358979323846264338. etc. etc.

What is this Pi stuff? And why do we have a day like π day?

So, we all learn math. And in math, you must've heard about the term "π" (Pi). People are shocked to see its endless decimal values. Some even say that value of π is kind of infinite to write.

Calculators too fail in front of π.
So, mathematically, π is nothing but the circumference divided by its diameter.

Now let's crack these terms. Circumference is just the perimeter or the boundary of a circle. And diameter is the straight line the cuts the circle into 2 halves. The diameter passes right through the center of the circle.

And when we divide the perimeter of a circle by its diameter, we always get the same value. The number of god - "π"!

See, every decimal can be converted to a fraction. In this case, pi in fraction is not as dangerous as its decimal form, the value of π in fractions is 22/7. But one thing keep in mind, that 22/7 is not the accurate value of Pi. It just gives us an approximation as it helps solve complex mathematical problems related to circles.

So now, a question might arrive. Who discovered this π thing? See, the whole internet argues about it. But let's just take some ideas.

π was first calculated by Archimedes in around 250 BC. Then π approximation was done by Great Indian Scientist Aryabhata and then in 1706, William Jones devised the symbol  π.

Basically, π is a mathematical constant approximately equating to 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 etc. In Euclidean geometry, it is defined as the ratio of the circumference to its diameter. It also is used millions of times either in many formulas or in problems in mathematics and physics.

Till now, our computers have calculated only 22,000,000,000,000 (22 trillion) digits of π which is I agree is a lot. But for π it is nothing. And yes, π is an irrational number.

There are competitions for memorizing π digits all over the world!

So, that is it for our dear number π to deal with. I hope you now know about π and its history.

And yes, we celebrate π day today because the number 3 before the decimal in π represents the 3rd month which is march. Then the numbers 14 after the decimal points represent 14th march. 

Thus, 14th march is also known as π day! Also, today is The Great Scientist Albert Einstein's Birthday as well!

You can even learn pi numbers on google calculator by playing the pi game! My high score is 30 digits. So, give a try!


I will meet you next. 
Thanks for reading! Enjoy A Pie today!

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