Introduction To Biochemistry | Definition Of Life | Science Specials Week S03 E02

Biochemistry is a branch of Biology, which is defined as the chemistry of living things. It deals with the structure of chemical compounds that make up part of living matter. In this field, Biological functions stay in terms of Chemistry.

Every movement and processes in plants and animals are due to chemical reactions. Every processes in living organisms, even after death comes under Biochemistry.


In Biochemistry we have a definition for life. Life is defined as a physio-chemical entity which exhibits movement, growth, irritability (Feeling Anger) and reproduction.

It tells that Chemicals are combined in a particular physical ratio to form Life.

Chemical Reactions Forming Life As We Know Now:
The unicellular animals originated in the sea water about 3,500 million years ago. These cells originated by a series of chemical reactions. All these chemical reactions led to the origin to life.

The primitive earth contained Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen. These were present as gases. These combined together to form Compounds like:

  • N2 + 3H 2NH3 (Ammonia)
  • ½O2 + H H20 (Water)
  • C + 2H CH(Methane)

These react together to form Micromolecules like Fatty Acids, Amino Acids, Monosaccharides etc. These when combined together forms Macromolecules like Proteins, Lipids, Nucleic Acids, Polysaccharides etc. These Macromolecules with the help of Micromolecules formed the first cell by chemical reactions!

These Unicellular Organisms gave rise to Multicellular Organisms like Plants and Animals.

So, that's it! I hope you enjoyed and learned something new today.
~Thank You~

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