E=mc² | Meaning | Albert Einstein Birthday Special

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." 


Today, 14th march, a Great Theoretical Physicists was born. It was no other than Albert Einstein.


E=mc² is one of the famous equations in Physics discovered by Albert Einstein.

But Einstein in his original paper wrote the equation as M=E/C².

Okay leave it, and for now we can take the equation as E=mc².


E= Energy

M= Mass

C² = Speed of Light Squared (3.00 x 10^8)


  • Mass is nothing the amount of matter in an object.
  • Light speed is a constant.
  • We take Light squared because Light is the fastest thing Humans know. And nothing can go faster than speed of light. Squared because by this way mass can be converted into energy easily! 
  • And Mass can be converted into Energy. 
In Our Sun when 2 atoms merge, they release Energy and Photons and a bunch of Photons make light. So Mass, Energy and Light are interconnected.

Okay, lets take 2 identical balls and think 1 ball is moving and the other is at rest. Do you think both their Masses are equal? 
NO, this is because when an object is moving it has Kinetic Energy and the Mass also increases. But if the ball is moving in the speed of light the Energy becomes more and more which transforms into Mass.

That's It!

"A Person who Never made a Mistake, Never tried Anything New."

Happy Birthday Albert Einstein

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