The Four Fundamental Forces In The Universe | Physics | Science Specials Week S02 E08

We all have been taught about what are forces. So what are they? A push or a pull. That's the easiest definition we can give to what a force is. So our topic for today is types of forces. Kind of, fundamental types of forces. What are fundamental forces? Fundamental forces are that forces which are being applied to our daily life. Friction? No. It falls into some categories. Contact forces? Again No. What? yes, today you will also know that how all the forces that you see around you are just "Non-Contact" forces!
So, let us begin our today's episode with the topic titled - 

The Four Fundamental Forces In The Universe

The four fundamental forces are: Newton's Discovery: Gravitational Force, The Electromagnetic Force, The Strong nuclear force And The Weak Nuclear Force. And today we will be looking at each one of them. Let us start.

1) Gravitational Force: Sir Isaac Newton came up with the idea of gravity in around 1665. Well, even before him, A great Indian Scientist: Brahmagupta II, also expressed his thoughts on a force that attracted everything towards the Earth: Gravity. So what is gravity? We all know it is a non contact force which is a force that does not require any touching or contact between the bodies. Today we know that gravity is a natural phenomenon by which all things in the universe attract each other. Let there be two masses: m1 and m2. And the distance between the two masses be r. Then according to Newton's universal Gravitational law:
Force (F) = Gm1m2/r²
And this is it! This is the universal formula of gravity where G = 6.67408 x 10^-11.
Another fact for you is that we do not attract or stick to someone because the gravity the two bodies attract is very very small. So small, that at our surface level, it is considered negligible.

2) Electromagnetic Force: This is a type of force that is a physical interaction that occurs between charged particles. It acts between charged particles and is the combination of magnetic and electrical forces. This force can either be attractive or repulsive. These are present everywhere but are invisible to naked eye. Why? Just because this things happen at the atomic level or the microscopic level!

3) Strong Nuclear Force: Sometimes also known as strong interaction or strong force. This force is strong enough that it overcomes the repulsive force between the 2 positively charged protons, allowing protons and neutrons to stick together in an unimaginably small place. See we know that like charges repel and unlike charges attract. And in atoms, there exists a nucleus where there are protons and neutrons. Protons have positive charge, but still they do not repel as they like charges of protons must have a very very large repulsive force. Why don't they repel? Because of the neutrons which give the Strong nuclear force which holds the protons together and prevents them from repelling. What a great system of nature!

4) Weak Nuclear Force: Also known as the weak force, this force acts inside of individual nucleons or 0.1% of the diameter of a proton. See, it acts on such a small scale. It is shorter ranged than the strong nuclear force as well. Well, what this force basically do is that it allows the protons to turn into neutrons through radioactive decay. This force helps to keep the right balance of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. This force is also very important in the nuclear fusion in the Sun. There are a lot of helpful uses of this force. That's why it is one of the fundamental forces of the universe!

So these were the 4 fundamental and very important forces in Physics. I hope this was useful.

~Thanks for reading~

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