Would You Like To DRILL a Hole in Your Skull Just To Cure Headache? 😲 | Trepanation Surgeries & Amazing Facts | Science Specials Week S02 E11

Would You Like To DRILL a Hole in Your Skull Just To Cure Headache?

Today, we'll be looking at the history of pharmaceuticals or medication. Not all the history, but a certain practice, that was practiced around 7000 years ago. And why is that practice so particular? Because this practice was about something very creepy.

Now, just think about it. Imagine, you are walking back home from school in the afternoon under the scorching sun and you are sweating like a swimming pool. Once, you reach your home, it is obvious that you may have good amount of headache which is kind off, obvious and not that serious.

But, for the past 1 hour, your head is aching like anything. You can not bear it anymore. So, what you'll do? Simple, you'll just take the pills (tablets). But what do you think people took, when there were no pills for headache? Did they just go bananas or just smack out the skull out of their heads?

You'll be surprised or even shocked to know, that around 7000 years ago, people just DRILLED a hole in their SKULLS by a surgeon! But Why Why Why? Just because they weren't as developed as we are today in medication. Or something else was the reason? Let's find out.

Headaches are a common malady (illness) and can occur due to a number of reasons. We know that they can result due to stress, fasting, lack of sleep, sun exposure, allergies or more serious ailments such as high blood pressure and brain tumors.

In the olden days however, headaches were a puzzle to many. People literally did not had any idea how SCIENTIFICALLY this thing happened to everyone, but it really did happened to everyone. The headache.

As it was an era where people thought that everything was caused by Gods or spirituality, it was believed that the headaches were a result of spiritual problems or even demonic activity! These strange and unbelievable theories and reasons were cited (reference for justification) as their cause and people even believed them and even took extreme measures to cure them as well!

One of these measures involved drilling a hole into the skull of the patient! This process is called trepanation and was practiced as early as 7000 years ago! It is considered the earliest form of surgery known to man and involves cutting or scraping a hole in the human skull.

Trepanation was carried out not just to cure headaches but also to treat brain disorders, let out evil spirits and cure insanity! People really believed in these things!

There is scientific evidence that patients often even survived these operations and came back for more! 😨 What is even more shocking is that the patients were not even given any anesthetics (injections to make patients unconscious before the operation) and were fully awake and conscious during the operation! 😳😵
Mind blowing.

And there are even proofs for this as well! Trephined skulls have been found all over the world in France, Germany, North Africa, New Zealand and South America. In places like Peru etc., single skulls with multiple holes in them have been found as well! 😲

Phew! So, umm, I guess you are already mind blown with these many facts. If you really are shocked to know these facts, please do share and follow for more on:

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