Big Bang Theory | The Cosmic Egg | Start Of Everything! | Science Specials Week S02 E12

The Big Bang is the start of everything and it is just a point where it started! And it expanded so quick and created everything Planets, Galaxies, Universe, You and Me. Galaxies are expanding and Gravity plays a important role in space. So today we are going to see about the Big Bang Theory!

Now Everything started about a 13.7 Billion Years ago as a point (This point is called Big Bang. Here Time, Gravity and Space goes Bananas and the General Relativity and Quantum also goes Bananas). Now the first second of the universe was extremely hot and only Quarks and Gluons were present in the first parts of the second to be exact 10^-32 s and these Gluons and Quarks combined with other Gluons and Quarks. Now here only there was a extreme fight between Antimatter and Matter and by somehow Matter won, that's why Antimatter is so less in the universe. And to know more about it visit Matter, Antimatter, Exotic Matter And Dark Matter | Science Specials Week S02 E05 .
Now only Forces started to form and to be exact 10^-9 s. Now the heat decreased because the universe now expanded over a Billion Kilometer. Now the Quarks combined to make Hadron and this created Neutrons.

Now only 1 sec have been passed! Now the temperate decreased drastically, and now it was suitable for Protons to form. Now only the first ever Atom was Born, Hydrogen. Now this Hydrogen atoms were under Pressure, which created the First Stars and the Stars released Radiations and started to destroy the stable Hydrogen and this created Plasma, which allowed the first visible light to pass!

Now the universe was created!

But is our universe the first? We don't know, there might be another Universe which also began as a Big Bang and Ended in a point and this point might be our Big Bang! This is called the Big Bounce Theory! For now we are not sure about this theory, but it might be true!

~Thanks For Reading!~

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