Matter, Antimatter, Exotic Matter And Dark Matter | Science Specials Week S02 E05


Everyone here knows what is Matter. Matter is everywhere and it makes up everything! Now to know more about Matter visit What Is Matter? | Science Specials Week S01 E07 

Anti matter

Now if we talk about Antimatter it is like Matter. Let us take Hydrogen Atom. Now Antimatter has + Mass and the same Mass as the Matter. But Antimatter's Electron has Positive charge and the Proton has Negative charge! 

But the Neutron has no charge like Matter. Now Antimatter is created by Nuclear reactions. But only a few Nuclear reactions will succeed in making a Antimatter. That too in small amounts and it will quickly react with Matter. It is used in medical field, it is ejected in the body and this Antimatter releases Radiations so that we could make a clear picture of the human body.

Now every Matter and Antimatter has Quarks. Now Quarks are Elementary Particle that make up the Proton and Neutron that make up Matter. But in Antimatter it is called Anti-quarks!

Exotic Matter
Now Exotic Matter is just the opposite of Matter and Antimatter. It has a -Mass and -Energy! And it is repulsive. But we haven't found Exotic matter. Theories prove it exists but we haven't found it yet! And if you want to know more about it visit The Wormhole Theory | Quantum Physics And Space | Science Specials Week S02 E03

Dark Matter

25% of the universe is Dark Matter and it is invisible. Dark Matter does not reflect Light that's why it is Dark... Dark Matter interacts with Gravity and Matter. Dark Matter creates Galaxies. Without it Galaxies would not been formed. Now we only know it exists and a lot of it is there. That's all we know about Dark Matter because we can't see it. 

~Thank You~  

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