What is Matter?
Everything you can think of, from the device that you are holding, to the chair that you are sitting on, to the water that you drink, is made up of matter. But matter is not just things that you can touch. It includes the air that you breathe. The planets in the universe, living things such as insects and human beings, and non living things such as rocks are also made of matter. All matter is made of tiny particles called atoms, Which are themselves made up of even smaller particles, called the subatomic particles.
To know more on atoms and subatomic particles, visit our science specials week blogs through these links 👇👇!
👆Link for quantum mechanics, subatomic particles and theory of existence blog.
The Atoms : Electrons, Protons And Neutrons
👆 Link for atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, quantum physics, valency and electronic configuration etc.
Chemistry involves studying what matter is made of, and how atoms join together to make different things.
Theory: Most Scientists Believe That All The Matter In The Universe Was Created In An Explosion called the Big Bang!
Great heat and energy followed the explosion. Then, after just a few seconds, some bundles of the the energy turned into tiny particles. The tiny particle turned into the atoms that make up the universe that we live in today.
Hundreds of years ago, before anyone knew about atoms, people called alchemists try to find out what things where made of. They try to turn metals such as lead into gold. They also searched for a medicine that would give eternal life. They tried without success. Many Alchemists where women. One name for Alchemy, Opus mulierum, is Latin for women's work.
The Earth is home to many living things, including plants and animals of all kinds. Although a butterfly seems very different from a rock, they are both made out of atoms. That atoms just join up in a different way to create something else. Eg.: Humans.
Most matter in the universe is non living. This means that it does not grow, reproduce or move itself about. A good example of non living matter is the rock that makes up the earth that we live on. But here you may ask what about robots? Are the living or nonliving? Now many people will say non living, but they can move and talk like some advanced robots. But that doesn't mean that they are living things. They are nonliving because they cannot reproduce. Any object or a substance that can reproduce is said to be living. Eg.: Humans.
Scientists use a bubble chamber to identify subatomic particles. The bubble chamber contains liquid hydrogen near its boiling point. Subatomic particles travelling through the liquid cause it to boil, leaving trails of bubbles. Although the particles are invisible, the trails that they live can be seen and are different from each type of particle.
The French chemist Antoine Lavoisier (1743-94) is thought of as the founder of chemistry. Antoine showed that burnt substances are heavier than unburned substances!
He concluded that this was because the burned substances gained a gas named oxygen. Marie Lavoisier (1758-1836) worked with her husband by translating scientific works and campaigning for acceptance of their ideas.
I hope now it is very clear to you as to what is Matter..
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