Our Own Moon | Science Specials Week S01 E15

The Moon

Hello everyone, today we are going to discuss on a topic who's mystery and beauty has inspired many poets and Writers in Mythology or fiction etc.
Yes, that's the Moon! Our own Moon 🌙!

We all have seen the moon isn't it? Whenever The word Moon pops up in my mind, I always think of a beautiful crescent moon that's there in the sky! Its so awesome! Well, to start off, you should know some of the Moon Facts. So let's get started!

1) Diameter : 3476 Kilometres.
2) Distance from Earth : 384,000 Kilometres.
3) Day length : 29 Days, 12 Hours and 44 Minutes!
(That's a lot when compared to Earth. A day is simply one complete rotation of earth on its own axis. But the moon takes a lot of time! Cool!)
4) Mass : 0.012 of earth.
5) Density : 0.61 Of Earth.
6) Surface temperature : Maximum : 100 degree Celsius, Minimum : -170 degree Celsius.

By definition, The Moon is a huge ball of rock pitted with craters. Most of the craters were caused by impact from meteors, although some reveal the sites of ancient volcanoes.

The Moon is the Earth's satellite. It is closest body to us, but the two bodies are completely different. Both were formed by particles colliding together some 4600 million years ago, but since the moon is only a quarter of the earth's diameter, it cooled down much more quickly. Its thick crust is now frozen solid, while the Earth's thin crust still floats over The hot under layers. Soon after they formed, the Earth and the Moon probably looked familiar, hot spheres being constantly cratered by impact from Rocky bodies. On the Moon the craters where preserved, with no wind or water to wear the Rock away. The earth's craters have almost all been wiped out by crust movements and weather.

The moon has no atmosphere because it's force of gravity is very weak. The moon has not been able to attract any gas molecules at all, while the earth has held onto a dense air shield.

The moon must once have been spinning quickly, but the earth pull has slowed it down so that it keeps the same face towards the earth. Once a month, as it orbits the earth, the moon passes through phases from new to full and back to new again.
Also sometimes we can see an eclipse of the Moon!

You can record the phases of the moon by observing it on cloudless nights. It takes 28 days to pass through all phases from new to full and back again. You may record these observations in your note!
The moon goes in two processes while revolving around the earth. Those two terms are known as waning and waxing.
There are basically five different shapes of moon.

1) Full Moon
2) New Moon
3) Gibbon or gibbous Moon.
4) Crescent Moon
5) Half moon.
Half of the moon is always in sunlight. The phases of the Moon depend on how much of the lit half we can see from the Earth. At New Moon, when the earth, moon and sun are roughly in line, we cannot see any of the lit half. About a week later, at the first quarter, we can see half of the part of the Moon that is in sunlight and at full moon we can see all of it. By the last quarter we can again see only half of the lit part.

So, that was it. I know you already know that Neil Armstrong was the first to step on the moon. His footprints are still there was there is no atmosphere in moon. And for your knowledge, Buzz Aldrin was the second to do that.
So, I hope you LEARNED something marvelous today. 
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Thank you for reading!


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