Energy Usage Over The Years! | Science Specials Week S01 E14

Energy is critically important part of worldly activities. They say Energy makes the universe go and grow. Some energy are naturally Renewable and virtually inexhaustible. But some energy are Non-renewable like Fossil Fuel. 

Now wood was the most valuable thing in the past for shelter, transportation and heat.

So now let's see the history of Energy!

In the early 3500 B.C. the Egyptians used the Wind Energy to make the first sail boat which was faster and it went further. By 500 B.C. the Greeks were building Solar Homes to take better advantage of light and warmth. 

By around 85 B.C. Romans were enjoying the baths heated with water from Geothermal Hot Springs

Around the same time, Greeks took advantage of running water, they developed water wheels to grind grain, a task previously done by hand or by animals power. Steam Engine was the first machine that converted heat into mechanical work. 

The first mining for coal started at China in 200 B.C., Electricity was first produced using coal at 1880. Fossil Fuel like coal, natural gas and oil were highly prized energy sources for centuries. Energy in Fossil Fuel is released by burning it. Most number of Fossil Fuel is used in the industries. 

Geophones are devices used to determine the presence of oil in rocks by reading reflected sound waves. 

Natural gas is one of the most valuable fuels we have. CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) are forms of Natural Gas. 

LPG is not a natural gas and LPG is used in cooking and a Chemical called Ethyl Mercaptan is used to detect leakage. Now we started using CNG in vehicles to reduce pollution, but now we use Electricity to run vehicles.

~Thank you!~

I hope you learned something new and energetic!


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