Classification Of Organisms In The Phylogenetic Tree | Binomial Nomenclature | Diversity In Living Organisms EP02

So in our last Episode we saw about Taxonomy and Evolution. We also saw about Phylogenetic Tree and Binomial Nomenclature. So lets recall what we learnt:

Phylogenetic Tree shows the Evolutionary relationship between organisms.

Binomial Nomenclature, which has two parts A Genus name and Species name.
Let's see the rules again:
  • The Genus name must start with a capital letter.
  • The Species name must start with a small letter.
  • The name must be followed with the person who first described the species.
    Eg. Homo sapiens Linnaeus, 1758
  • Italics to indicate Latin origin.
  • Naming a Species: If you name it after a male it must end with "i'.
    If you name it after a female it must end with "ae"
Eg. 1. Aptostichus barackobami ( A spider ), barackobam (Barack Obam) is a male, so "i" is there in the end.
2. Aptostichus angeliajolieae, angeliajolie ( Angelia Jolie ) is a female, so it ends with "ae" in the end.
  • Now animals may have the Genus and the Species name the same, but plants do not have.
Eg. 1. Gorilla gorilla is an animal
2. Bison bison is an animal
3. Ziziphus zizypus is a plant and it has different names.

Let's get into today's topic!

Now Kingdom is the first level of classification.
1) Monera
2) Protists
3) Fungi
4) Plantae
5) Animalia

Now Phylum is the second level of classification.
Organisms with Vertebrates and not with Vertebrates

Now Classes is third level of classification.
Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians etc.

Now Order is fourth level of classification.
Meat and plant eaters and Primates

Now Family is fifth level of classification.
Animals like Lion, Tiger, Panther, Cat, Leopard, etc comes under the same family and so on.

Now Genus is the sixth level of classification.
In this family is broken down into even more and perfect family like Lion, Tiger, etc.

Now Species is the seventh level of classification.
Here each animal have their own special biological name. 

Now let's see the basic Binomial Nomenclature names of animals now so that it will be easy for us to classify:
  • Lion: Panthera leo
  • Elephant: Elephas maximus
  • Panther: Panthera pardus
  • Tiger: Panthera tigris
  • Fox: Vulpes vulpes
  • Bison: Bison bison
  • Wolf: Canis lupus
  • Dog: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Cat: Felis domesticus
  • Horse: Equus caballus
  • Zebra: Equus quagga
  • African Wild Ass: Equus africanus
  • Humans: Homo sapiens
Now let's see Family names of the given animals:
  • Hominidae
  • Canidae
  • Felidae
  • Feline
  • Equidae
  • Elephantidae
  • Bovidae
Now let's see Order of the given Family:
  • Carnivora
  • Herbivora
  • Primates
Now let's see the Class for the given Order:
  • Mammals
  • Reptilian
  • Amplibians
Now let's see the Phylum for the given Class:
  • Vertebrata
  • Invertebrata
Now let's see the Kingdom for the given Phylum:
  • Animalia

-->Now with this information let's classify our animals.

1) Lets take Dog:
Kingdom- Animalia (It is an animal)
Phylum- Vertebrata (It has a vertebrate)
Class- Mammals (It gives birth directly and feeds milk)
Order- Carnivora (It eats meat)
Family- Canidae 
Genus- Canis
Species- lupus familiaris

So it is Canis lupus familiaris

2) Last example Humans:
Kingdom- Animalia (It is an animal)
Phylum- Vertebrata (It has a vertebrate)
Class- Mammals (It gives birth directly and feeds milk)
Order- Primates 
Family- Hominidae
Genus- Homo
Species- sapiens

It is Homo sapiens

~Like this you can try out different organisms in this Phylogenetic Tree and comment down which organism you tried it, may be a plant, Animal, etc!

~Thank You~

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