Introduction To Evolutionary Relationship And Taxonomy Of Organisms | Binomial Nomenclature | Types Of Organisms | Diversity In Living Organisms EP01

There are over 8 million+ organisms which are animals, plants, insects, parasites, bacteria, microorganisms etc. there are many living organisms in our world. Every organisms look, act and live differently. So, today we are going to see about Taxonomy.

What's Taxonomy? A branch of biology which deals with the classification, nomenclature, identification of organisms is called Taxonomy.
*Nomenclature means naming stuffs or organisms.

Now lets see what is classification and identification of organisms is, for this we need to know some brief history and science of Evolutionary Biology.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) is the father of Evolutionary Biology. He went around the world to study different species and he wrote a volume called "On The Origin Of Species, By Means Of Natural Selection". In this he wrote about Evolution and theories of Evolution.

Now Evolution plays an important role in classification and identification of organisms. Now biologist classify and identify organisms on the basis of Phylogenetic Tree (The tree of Life).

Now Phylogenetic Tree shows the Evolutionary relationship between organisms.

Now let's see another story:

Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) was a botanist and a taxonomist who is known as the father of modern taxonomy and was the first man to classify organisms according to Taxonomy. He was the first man to introduce Binomial Nomenclature.

Now what is Binomial Nomenclature?
In those days organisms were named in Latin which were very big and it was difficult to remember these names so Carolus invented the Binomial Nomenclature, which had two parts A Genus name and Species name.

Eg. Panthera leo, in this Panthera is the Genus and leo (Lion) is the Species name.

Now there are rules to make Binomial Nomenclature:

  • The Genus name must start with a capital letter.
  • The Species name must start with a small letter.
  • The name must be followed with the person who first described the species.
    Eg. Homo sapiens Linnaeus, 1758
  • Italics to indicate Latin origin.
  • Naming a Species: If you name it after a male it must end with "i'.
    If you name it after a female it must end with "ae"
Eg. 1. Aptostichus barackobami ( A spider ), barackobam (Barack Obam) is a male, so "i" is there in the end.
2. Aptostichus angeliajolieae, angeliajolie ( Angelia Jolie ) is a female, so it ends with "ae" in the end.
  • Now animals may have the Genus and the Species name the same, but plants do not have.
Eg. 1. Gorilla gorilla is an animal
2. Bison bison is an animal
3. Ziziphus zizypus is a plant and it has different names.

Now there is another man who classified organisms into 5 kingdoms, Robert Whittaker (1968) who classified based on similarities in anatomy etc.

1) Monera
2) Protists
3) Fungi
4) Plantae
5) Animalia

Now we will see more about this Phylogenetic tree and classify organisms according to this tree by Binomial Nomenclature in EP02.
And we will see about this 5 Kingdoms in EP03.

~Thank You~



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