Heat Death | The Play Of Dark Energy | Big Freeze | Death From Space — Episode: 06

WELCOME TO THE PLATFORM WHERE WE DISCUSS THE WAYS IN WHICH THE UNIVERSE WILL END. So today We will discuss what will happen when the space continued to expand without being ripped apart.

So now, we know that the space has 2 major Entities, The Matter around us and the Empty Space. The empty space also known as Dark Energy tries to get thing apart/ away from each other.

Now we know that the space is continuing to expand and is expanding at a very fast rate. this enables the dark energy to do its thing. With the expanding space more Dark energy is created with in turn expands the space with in turn leads to the creation of dark energy and this continues.

Every few Billion years or so the space increases in its size at an exponential Rate. But local star clusters combine due to the gravitational force between the matters present in the Space.

~Did You know our galaxy the Milky Way is gonna collide with the Andromeda Galaxy in about 5 billion years to create a super Galaxy.
Now The clusters form a super galaxy with trillions of stars. But sadly all other galaxies will be pushed apart due to the continuing growth of Dark Energy. This will leave our galaxy all alone. So we will not be able to see anything else except empty space cause all other galaxies have been moved away very far.

Then after a trillion years or so the stars in the super galaxy will die out. And all the gases needed to create it will also be also be consumed and the required gases needed will not be able to come in Because the only thing present in the space surrounding us is Dark energy and nothing else. So the sources of light will slowly die away leading to slow darkness.
Then about a quadrillion Years the Neutron Stars and the White Dwarfs will also slowly cool down and die. Leaving behind a body of mass with no light.
Slowly this Dead mass will leave the super Galaxies. Leading to the end of the super galaxy.

Now this matter is again all alone and again the dark Energy is gonna start pushing things apart. this leads to the case where objects are very far apart all alone surrounded by a never ending Empty space. Then after a googol years the black holes will also evaporate away.

Then all matter that is left breaks away to form separate particles or Radiations, and this is due to the combined forces of Entropy and Dark Energy. This leads to a case where only a single particle on its own moves in the never ending cold-empty Space. Then after this the next and a final step is where even these particles decay due to entropy, leading to a scenario where
 nothing happens just expanding Empty Space and Coldness. The Universe Dies...

~That's it Thank You!~
For more information read: ~ Dark Matter & Dark Energy (By Clicking It)
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4) Big Rip
5) Big Bounce & big crunch

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