The Mystery Of Dark Matter And Dark Energy! | Do We Know Everything In Our Universe?

 In our blog we have explained about Matter, Antimatter, and some rough studies about Types Of Matter. Today let me explain about Dark Matter and Dark Energy!

Matter is made up of atoms, the ants, you and me, the mountains, the planets and everything. It makes up less than 5% of Universe. The rest is made up of Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

~Why Dark Matter And Dark Energy is Invisible?
Both of these are invisible. Now this is because normal Matter reflects Photons, or light particles and that light when it hits our eyes we see things. Now Dark Matter and energy is made up of some complex combinations and particles that do not reflect light. That's why it is invisible.

~If it is Invisible then how did we got to know about Dark Matter and Dark Energy?
In 1933, an astronomer, Fritz Zwicky was looking at galaxies and calculating how much Matter they contained. He found out there was not enough matter to hold together stuffs. Now other scientific studies tell us that there is a lot of space between massive bodies and Gravity was not able to hold thing together but somehow they remained in their positions. So, there is some invisible stuff holding them with interacting with Gravity and there is a lot of them, and we could sense its presence because light bends around it. So, Scientist named it as Dark Matter.

Now, Dark Energy can't be measured and detected. In 1929, Edwin Hubble examined how light wave from distinct objects swift towards the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum. He observed that fainter objects showed more red swift than closer objects. This is because the universe itself is expanding and the wave length is stretched. Now Dark Energy is present in empty space, in an expanding universe there is a lot of space held together by gravity. Now Dark Energy is associated with Empty space, and so Empty space has a lot of energy.

(It's a lot confusing but for now it is an Energy that is invisible, it has an enormous energy and is present in empty space)

Now that's all we know about Dark Matter and Dark Energy there are a lot of theories and perspective about both but for now that's all Humanity knows about our Universe!

~Thank You~


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