The Great Filter | Are We All Alone In This Universe? | Development Of Humans | Will The End Of Humans Be Soon? | Death From Space — Episode: 01

We have came through a lots of years. But till now we haven't found a life outside our planet. Rogue Planets. But if we find a life form even developed than us, it will lead us to trouble. The end will be near.

Now if we talk about our evolutionary chain, everything started by Protein coming together to form a structure, then unicellular organisms came, then multicellular organisms came, complex structure started to develop, then our brains developed and started to use and understand things around us and at last we are now here.

Population increases and we humans go out to search out for other habitable places to live, develop and civilize.

Now if we talk about other alien species living on other planets, who are able to control their planet; they will try to control or explore other planets just like we humans. But till now we have not found any traces of these kinds of movements.

So something is stopping other species to develop like or more than humans. This is called "THE GREAT FILTER".

This is like if we take, Dinosaurs. They went extinct and it was their Great Filter which did not allowed them to develop.

Now there are two chances of the Great Filter, Behind and Ahead of Human Development.

CASE 1: Behind of Us.

This means we have passed the impossible Great Filter, it could be from Chimps to Humans or from Uni to Multicellular. Or absorption and another cell like Mitochondria. It could be Anything. And we are the first to cross the Great Filter. And there is a chance that there are Bacterial life outside our planet that could not cross the Great Filter.

CASE 2: Ahead of Us. (Very Bad)

This means there are many civilizations which died after becoming more developed than us. This doesn't mean that some of us died due to something and only few were left and these people again healed and started developing. This is a Hurdle.
The Great Filter ahead of us is truly destructive and has destroyed more advanced civilization than us. This starts when a species is able to control its planet. It could be an A.I or some Nano Bots or any new Virus.

That's why if we look out for aliens and they appear to be more advanced than us, then The GREAT FILTER is ahead of us.

So for now lets us just consider we are alone in this Galaxy and there are planets which are habitable for us Humans!

~Thank You~
This is the first Episode of DEATH FROM SPACE, so enjoy.



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