Animal Tissues | Tissues Part - 2


Today we are going see about the muscles which makes you look strong, and this is all because of the grouping of Cells which forms Tissues. Now if need to know about Cells view this Inside The Cell | Science Specials Week S01 E05 . Now lets see about Tissues!

Now there 2 types of Tissues Animal and Plant Tissues. In our earlier post we saw about Plat Tissues and explained about Tissues ( Plant Tissues | Tissues Part - 1 ) Today we are going to see about Animal Tissues. 

There are 4 categories in Animal Tissue  

  • Epithelial Tissue
  • Muscular Tissue
  • Connective Tissue
  • Nervous Tissue

Now we are going to talk about each one of them.
1) Epithelial Tissue: These tissues are coverings and protective layers of the body.

There 2 classifications Based on Appearance and number of Layers.

Based On Appearance
Squamous- They are Flat Tissues.
Cubodial- They are Cube like Tissues.
Columnar- They are Cylindrical Tissues.
Based On Number Of Layers
Simple- 1 Layer.
Stratified- Many Layers.

Now there are 6 possible combinations of Epithelial Tissues.
  • Simple Squamous
  • Stratified Squamous
  • Simple Cubodial
  • Stratified Cubodial
  • Simple Columnar
  • Stratified Columnar

2) Muscular Tissue: These are the Muscles.
They have Contractile Proteins( The proteins present in muscle fibres which generate force for muscle contraction.

There are 2 classifications Based on Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles.

Voluntary Muscle
There only one type of Voluntary Muscle, the Skeletal Muscle. Which are Long, Cylindrical, Unbranched and Multi-nucleated.

Involuntary Muscles
There are 2 types:
Smooth Muscle: Long, Spindle-Shaped and Uni-nucleated.
Cardiac ( Heart ) Muscle: Branched, Cylindrical and Uni-nucleated.

3) Connective Tissue: These Tissues are vital for living, and there are 7 types of it.

4) Nervous Tissue: It makes up the nervous system, which is the Brain and Spinal Cord.

Now there are 2 types of Cells which make up the Nervous Tissue which are the Neurons and Glial Cells.


The Axon Terminals are like roots, Axon is like a trunk and the Dendrites are like the branches. Now Electrical impulses jump from the Axon Terminal to the other Neuron's Dendrites in the space called Synapse.
Nerve Fibres+Connective Tissue=A Nerve

Glial Cells: 
Glial Cells surround the Neurons and Helps it, like protecting it, providing support, making new connections with other Neurons, etc.

So, I hope you enjoyed today's journey exploring and dividing tissues into different classifications! For more such scientific content and posts, follow us at Enlightened Wisdom: Smart Science. 

~Thank you!~


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