Robots In Japan | New Technological Trends | The Artificial Intelligence Era

Robots. This world is getting adapted with the usage of robots. The era of artificial intelligence has begun, unknowingly.

And Japan to begin with, has already reached so far, that wherever you go in there, there is a high probability, that you'll find a robot working in there.

That's what our topic is for today. Robots In Japan, a set of new technological trends along with the beginning of the era of A.I.- Artificial Intelligence.

Let us start by asking a question. What exactly are robots? Well, everybody, when asked what is a robot, start thinking about a metallic human like structure man, who has wires all around it and looks creepy at first. Well, not always. Robots can be creepy and can be amazing as well!

A Robot is any mechanical object that replaces human activities and do it a lot quicker which saves a lot of time for us. A robot also uses its intelligence which is also known as "Artificial Intelligence" to help us in our daily life activities. Like: Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa etc.

Now let us understand what is the basic difference between a Robot and Artificial Intelligence. See, robots and artificial intelligence are closely related to each other but are different fields of study. We usually talk about robots and A.I interchangeably. Think like this, we call ourselves humans, and we use the word intelligence to define our knowledge. Well, convert this into the robotic world where robots are artificial humans and their intelligence is artificial intelligence. I hope this was clear to you!

Okay, so we now know something about robots. As the title of the post says, Robots in Japan, this means that Japan has technical robots that are mind blowing to discover. Now see, that doesn't mean that other countries haven't progressed yet, but are progressing with the revolution of the robotic era.

Okay, let's come back to the topic. Let's see some of the features of robots that are in Japan, the country which really is a technological country since the past few decades.

#1) ASIMO: ASIMO is a humanoid robot created by Honda in 2000. It is currently present in Miraikan museum, Tokyo. ASIMO stands for Advanced Step In Innovative Mobility. ASIMO has the ability to recognize humans with the help of its camera eyes with facial recognition sensors. It was created to provide a helper to the elder people in need. It's of 130 cm in height and 48 kg's in weight.

#2) QRIO: Also known as Quest For CuRIOsity was the first humanoid robot which was capable for running. This robot was launched by Sony. With 160 cm in height and 7.4 kg in weight, QRIO was awarded the Guinness Book Of World Record for being the first bipedal humanoid robot. It can run 23 cm in 1 second!

#3) PARTNER ROBOTS: These were the first humanoid robots which played instruments. These partner robots are a series of robots produced and marketed by Toyota. There are 5 robots in all, most of which have different movement systems. They debuted playing instruments at the 2005 world EXPO in Japan.

The above three robots that you just saw were some of the robots that sparked the flame for the upcoming generation that was going to create a revolution for the robotic era. Let's see some robots that are modernized and are much more popular today who have seriously revolutionized the sector of robotics in Japan.

#1) SONY AIBO: Sony launched AIBO, a puppy bot which is capable of forming an emotional bond with members of the household while providing them love, affection, and the joy of nurturing and raising a companion. This was launched in February 2017. 

AIBO moves and gestures in hundreds of patterns. Man, it is really a cool invention.

#2) ROBOT GUNDAM: Now, presenting you the biggest robot ever made, the ROBOT GUNDAM. GUNDAM is one of the giant humanoid robots that gained popularity so fast globally. Out of the anime world, this robot came into reality. It might seem a dream for anime fans, but it is true. This robot is around 18 meters tall and is present in Yokohama, Japan. This robot was planned in 2014 and the end of the project's display has been extended by one year and will now end in 2023.

Have a look at this gigantic robot.

#3) HONDA E2-DR: At the International Conference Of Intelligent Robots And Systems 2017 (IROS) in Vancouver, Honda launched its disaster relief robot named E2-DR. This robot can walk, climb stairs and navigate debris. Around 1.7 meters tall, these robot is specifically designed to enter extreme environments that human can't.

So, these were some 3 modern and popular robots created by Japan. There are even more robots which are famous all around the world but for now, let's just stop here.

So we saw that Japan creates robots for many of its uses. Till now it has created more than 300,000 robots! This clearly explains that robots must be WORKING for Japan too! Let's see few places and industries where these robots work in Japan.

#1) Robots do hazardous tasks that is dangerous for humans. Like assembling parts and physically dangerous work like transporting heavy machinery in harsh and hazardous environments. Famous companies like Kawasaki and Yaskawa use robots for this purpose.

#2) Robots do multitasks at one time, thus saving labor and time for huge companies.

#3) Robots in Japan help in restaurants as well. They take orders, they make food and they even serve food as well. Sometimes they even do the billing process.

#4) Robots are used for education, transportation, entertainment, hospitals, medication and commercial purposes as well.

So, yeah, that is IT! for today! Please comment how was this post and also tell which robot you liked! 
And yes, a new post on the topic of Robots in India, which is also an upcoming trending topic, is coming soon!
I hope you enjoyed this tour. Meet you in our next scientific and technical post, till then~
Thanks for reading.

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