What If We Broke The Sound Barrier? | Sonic Booms! (Explained)

Assume: You are standing in a plain field and a jet flies over your head but there was no sound. But there was a push created and then you hear a BOOM! It came from the Jet but it was Totally fine. So, what was it?

You just experienced a Sonic Boom. The Jet reached "Mach 1+", which means it went faster than "Sound".

Now the first time it happened was in 1947, October 14th by Chuch Yeager. The Jet was a Bell X-1 Aircraft named as "Glamorous Glennis" after his wife. It went over Dry Lake, California at an altitude of 40,000 ft and at a speed of 660+ mph.

Now the jet reaches from a Sub Sonic to Speed Of Sound to Super Sonic Speeds.



Now, when the Jet reaches Super Sonic Speed it means that the jet is travelling faster than Sound wave its creating. Now, that's why when the Jet flied over you there was no sound. After that only you could feel and hear the sound. 

Now after this you could hear The Sonic Boom! Now this is created due to a change in pressure in it's front to tail. Now this Sonic Boom is like a Cone-shaped known as Mach Cone.

Now whoever is in the Mach Cone will experience the Sonic Boom.

Remember: The Sonic Boom is not the sound of the Jet or the Object itself. It is the release of Pressure. 

Now you know that air moves from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. The same thing happens here. 

Remember: The more the air displaced, more amount of sound in the Sonic Boom!

~Now there will be 2 Sonic Booms! This depends on the length of the aircraft. If it is big enough you will hear 2 Booms! If it is small you will hear only 1 Boom! Because the time period of the 2 Booms will the so short that it will seem like only 1 Boom was made.

Now the people under the Mach Cone (Sonic Booms) may get problems like Hearing Loss, Anxiety, Mental Disturbance, etc.

So, That's it! Be Safe, Be Healthy!
~Thank You~



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