Structure Of Our Ear! | Sound

So now how do we hear sound? Easy! By Our Ear! But do you wondered how it works? So, today we are going to explore that and start you imagination because we are going to imagine and see how our ear works!

Now Sound is a wave (Remember this) but how do we recognize these sounds? Of course our Brain does the work but there is a problem our Brain can only recognize Electrical Impulses so how a wave is transformed into electrical impulse? The ear does the Magic! 

But before we go inside just remember the meaning of Amplify:
to increase the strength of a sound, using electrical equipment
(Meaning by Google)

Now the Outer Ear is known as Pinna and this directs the sound inside and takes it through the External Auditory Canal and then the canal leads to the Ear Drum or the Tympanic Membrane. Now the membrane vibrates along with the compression and rarefaction
Now taking about the Ear Drum it's membrane is stretched out so that that it begins the vibrates along with the sound. Now coming back the compression is amplified many times about 18-20 times. Now there are 3 bones inside which is known as the Hammer, Anvil and the Stirrup. Now these bones amplify that sound. And this amplification happens in the Middle Ear. So, lets summaries the Outer Ear's purpose is to bring it inside, the Middle Ear's purpose is to amplify the sound.
Now the amplified sound goes inside the Inner Ear by what is called the Oval Window. Now this pushes it inside the Inner Ear, now we reach one of the important parts of our journey! Now the sound enters the Cochlea where the sound is converted into Electrical Impulses. Now there is a fluid inside the Cochlea known as Perilymph and Endolymph which begins to vibrate at the level in which the Medium vibrates. Now the fluid picks up this vibration so eventually a wave is created in the fluid and then this vibration is converted into Electrical Impulses

Now the Electric Impulses goes towards the Auditory Nerve to the Brain. And then the Brain detects these Impulses and help us recognize it! 

~Thank You~

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