Lenses | Inventions S01 E08

Lenses | Children's Day Special

Now Lenses our curved pieces of glass and these lenses are used in many other inventions! And these instruments help scientists to observe and learn about our world! So, today we are going to see few inventions which used Lenses!

Around 1280 the first glasses were made by Salvano degli Amati. Now there were 2 lenses attached in leather and held up to the eyes by a stick. If you have problems of poor vision that too with only one eye? Then use Monocle! Which has only one lens!

The first microscope was invented by Hans Janssen around 1590. It was a simple tube with a lens at each end! Then Robert Hooke improved the microscope and made Two-lens microscope which gave clear results.

Now the first telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey, in 1608. Then Galileo Galilei slightly improved the telescope invented by Lippershey. And then used it to look into the space!

That's all for today!

~Thank You~
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