The Mystery Of The Parallel Universe Theory | Multiverse Hypothesis | Science Specials Week S02 E14

The mystery of the parallel universe theory

The parallel universe theory tells that there is not only one, but many universes in existence, or in simple words, there exists "multiverses".

And we are just one of the many multiverses in this world.

The time before we came, the time before the first organisms on earth came and even the time before the universe came into existence, there was only darkness. No particles or matter. Maybe before the "Big Bang" there might be a big crunch of another universe and this big bang might not be the first big bang to happen, there may be several universes which existed and died before us. This is more popularly known as the "Big Bounce Theory"

If neglecting the Big Bounce Theory, and assuming that our universe was the first, then time also did not made any sense before the Big Bang. What is the Big Bang? The start of our universe. The Fight of matter and anti-matter. The Big Explosion.

To Know More About Matter, Anti-Matter, Big Crunch Theory And Big Bang Theory, visit these posts officially made by us:

Before the existence of the universe, nothing existed. But suddenly, from a point, a big explosion occurred and this was known as the Big Bang Theory and thus, the universe was formed. And due to the same explosion, our universe still today, is expanding!

When our universe was newly made, there existed only a few atoms. Now, as you might have read my post on The Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, I told you there that if we try to determine the position of a particle, we would lose the momentum of the particle and vice versa. If you want to read the 2nd principle of Quantum Mechanics in our website, click the below link:

So, at the time after the explosion let's say there were only a few atoms. And let's say you knew the momentum (mass times the velocity) of the particles, then you can very easily determine what is going to happen in the future. How? If you know the constant speed of an object, then by mathematical calculations, you'll know when and where the object will be present in a particular chosen time.

So, what if you knew the positions of all atoms today?, as there are octillions (1 followed by 27 zeroes) of atoms in this world.
Then, you would know everything in this world! Even their future activities. Yes! If you knew the momentum of all the atoms present in this world, then you would knew the future of everything as everything in this world is made of atoms.

Everything is connected! This means at the same time of the big bang explosion, it was decided what will happen in the future, how humans evolved, the tech revolution and what you were doing right now! etc. Everything was decided right then! If there existed a human right at the time of explosion, then he would knew the momentum of all the atoms and then would clearly know the future of our world very easily. 

Now we know that everything above "is" or more precisely, "was" impossible to do. This is just an example of how everything from beginning to end, is connected. 
Basically, Hypothesis.

The thing that you are doing, might be familiar to you and you might think that you are the one is doing it by yourself, but even your thinking was decided when the first atom was born. Doesn't it sounds like Quantum Entanglement?

Think about it, if google wasn't invented, then you would not had websites to read. And right now, you must be doing something else. If there were no people to invent google, there would not be any google. If the ancestors of people who invented google weren't born, then people who made google also wouldn't had born and google wouldn't had been invented. Thus the actions of the people who invented google affected YOUR actions right now! Thus, that is why it is said that if you do a good deed to someone, you will in return get a good deed from someone back as well!

And if we trace and go further more back in time, everything just stops at the big bang! This is:


Amazing! Everything is connected. The Big Bang decided what you will be now, and the big bang has already decided what you will be in your future!

So, what about parallel universes? The theory says that many multiverses, including our universe as well, exists at the same time! But we cannot see the other multiverses till now as they are far far far far far very very far away from us. The scientific approach to this is that different multiverses exist in different dimensions!

Right now, you are reading this post, but in your parallel universe, you might be playing games or just reading a book! In another parallel universe, you might be driving a car, or in another universe, you might be studying in a classroom at a school! See! There are infinitely many combinations of possibilities of what you must be doing in your parallel universe. In a different universe, you may be intelligent student, but in another universe you may be a failure! You may be a superhero, you may be a doctor, you are EVERYTHING in different different universes!

Parallel universe is not just one but many (multiverse). Not only you are different, but the things that you are made of, are also different in different universes!

The laws of physics may be different in different universes. Like in different universes, Atoms and molecules might be different. The bonding of atoms, the structure of atoms might totally be different in parallel universes. It might be possible, that in some other universe, there may be no gravity! Or gravitational changes might also be there. If that's the case, then the nature's rules also might be flawed or totally different according to our universe.

But, many people in this world believe that it is a science fiction and a hypothesis as there is still no evidence or scientific proof for this theory. Many people think this as an idea, a beautiful idea.

Many cosmologists say that there aren't any parallel universes because if they did exist, we do not have any devices or instruments or tools to test this theory.

The everything is connected theory is only for our universe and not between different universes, many people believe this. Different different people believe it is everything because of the Big Bounce Theory which is a combination of the Big Bang Theory which is the start and the Big Crunch Theory which is the end. So, that is why this theory still remains a mystery, a hypothesis. But wasn't it interesting to just understand and know this theory?

So, that's it! Yes, this was the parallel universe theory first proposed by physicist Hugh Everett in 1957.

I hope you liked this post and learned something new (a hypothesis) today!

Thanks for reading!

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