Who Created God? | One Of The Hardest Questions To Answer!

So, just a simple question what is 7/3(2-1)? I am not a great fan of maths, but I like maths. Now most of us think "What's a hard one!" like me, but the Hardest Question is "Who Created God?". God the creator of Worlds, created Earth in 7 days, creator of light, etc, but who created God? So, today I am here to solve it. (Recommended to read Bible to understand better but it is not needed).

First Things First: Let's define God.

According to Christianity, Judaism and Islam- The Being who people pray to and who created the World is called The God.

But according to basic definition of God- The Being that has power over a particular part of nature.

Okay, you could for now use any one definition to understand what's the next thing upcoming things are about.

Second: What and all God created?

Now God created Earth in 7 Days... Literally in 7 Days that's what the Bible tells ( Genesis ).
First Day: Created Light
Second Day: Created Sky
Third Day: Created Land, Seas, Plants and Trees
Fourth Day: The Sun, Moons and Stars were created
Fifth Day: Created creatures that live in sea and could fly were created
Sixth Day: Animals that created in land were created and Humans.
Seventh Day: God finished the work and made this day a Holy Day.

So, from this we could conclude that God Created Everything.
But the the question arises that we talked about in the first - Who created God?

Conclusion: Now only Created things have a Creator. Example. The gadget in which you are seeing this is created by a company, the parts in this is created by some other company, now to make this part, like hardware, other parts are required that are created by some other company...etc.

But God in the Bible is told to be existed always. So, its improper to say God was created, they always existed.

~Thank You~
I hope you learned something new

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