WHAT IF...? | EP.03 | What If The Internet Suddenly Stopped For Just 1 Day?

What If...? | Special Scientific Series Of Blogs | EP.03

Hello everyone, I am back with another part in the special series of What If questions. This is the third part and today we'll be looking at an amazing hypothesis that should never happen.

What If...? | EP.03 | What If The Internet Suddenly Stopped Working At The Global Level?


The Chaos Begins!

So, assume that you are reading an article on the internet, or playing online games with your friends and suddenly, the game crashes & the screen gets stuck. The article that you are reading is not loading properly. 

So, what will be your reaction? You will go okay, and think everything will be fine within a while and you just shut down or close the device that you were using. After an hour or two, you come back to check the internet and you are still baffled to see that there is no internet anywhere you go! You turn on the television and you see that the screen is not loading anything and its all black. 

Now, you start getting serious and start thinking what the heck has happened to the internet. If you are a child/teenager, you might complain it to your parents and start getting ticked off.  It has been 3 hours and there are no messages or notifications in your smartphone from any social media platform. You can't use Google, you can't use YouTube and you can't use many other platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. And then, you realize that something worst is about to happen in this world. 
Right Now!

The Internet: Who Are You?
We all use internet don't we? Of course internet makes our lives easier and a lot comfortable. People rely on the internet and some even earn money on the internet. By definition, internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. Why do we use internet? Simple. Through the internet, people can share information and communicate from anywhere with an internet connection.

Internet is not an object. We can't touch internet. But it is a network which although we cannot see, plays a vital role in our lives. It connects all the data to the world, through social media.

Internet was invented by Bob Kahn And Vint Cerf around 1972. Kahn designed the first communication network, known as ARPANET, which was based on a new technique called "packet switching" that enabled heterogeneous distributed computers to exchange packets of data.

Basically, internet stands for interconnected network which really connects the world to people like you and me. For example you are able to read this article because of internet. If there was no internet, neither Google would be working, nor you would be reading this article and you might have been doing something else right now! 

See how Internet affects our work in our life in this way that we are not even aware of? If internet has this big role in our lives, then what if there was no internet for only a day? Would enjoy playing T-Rex game whole day?

What If The Internet Suddenly Stopped For Just 1 Day?
This brings us to the last leg of our journey of the answer to our question of the What If...? Well, lets see what happens.

So, for the everyday person, everyday phone services and text messages would be unavailable. Along with it, all social media platforms and other apps would be down. Why? Because all these things work on the internet!

Another great disaster caused by the downfall of the internet will be that any electronic payment that was pending or might be going on, would just fail! And the money would be either deleted due to any glitch or something even worse could happen!

Now we all know that if there is any webpage error, it is usually denoted by Error 404. Or the webpage shows Error 404. But having no internet is unthinkable. Before the 2000's, fewer than 2% of the people on EARTH were online. See, that small. But still people enjoyed life and did so many wonders that today, although having the internet, we haven't done much! And it is no wonder that today around 4 Billion people all over the world are online. Amazing revolution in just 2 decades! 

One thing you should keep in mind, is that we still have a good news. The internet is not a magic box with an on/off switch. And as I said earlier, internet can not be touched. It is not even a physical thing. So, creating this monster button that'll switch off the internet globally is kind off, not possible. But let's say we did that. We created a destructive button that once clicked, will turn off the internet all over the world. Then what will happen?

Think of the businesses that depend upon the internet. Every Web site would be offline. Huge companies like Google or Amazon would become obsolete instantly. Other companies like Microsoft would see enormous sections of their operations disappear. Even companies that only use the Web as a means of advertisement would be adversely affected.

Many big organizations run on the internet, even if the internet gets off for the slightest of a second, everything would be deleted. And just wonder the terror and horror, if you were doing some money transaction right at that freaking moment when the when the whole internet went off globally. That would be a horrible situation. Money would get here and there.

Now, there will be riots all around the globe for the demand of the internet. As per the modern technology, internet comes from satellites roaming around the Earth in the space. But most of the internet comes from the big wires laid in oceans. Yeah! Now, operations will be taken out to find the root cause of the loss of internet. There will be mass protest and demand for money.

And now, obviously, no internet means you can not be online anymore. No chatting, no Instagram, no YouTube, no Facebook etc. That one day would be so boring. But not for long. Slowly, you'll start getting interested in your nature around you. You will start seeing new things without the internet! Yes, I am not joking!

And of course, yeah, forget about the things that are totally dependent on the internet. They'll malfunction, bug up, glitch up and whatever. You know what? The list is endless and I don't have infinite time (which is just an illusion) to write them all up here. Your mind can comprehend this topic way better. Think of all the things that this world will face with the fall of those 4 bars of the internet in your device.
But at the end of the day, we know, whatever happens, internet isn't gonna stop sooner or later. But it was amazing how people came up with this amazing hypothesis as we got so many things that are so terrifying to even think off!

So, this was the blog of the month - September's What If...?

I hope now you understood how important internet is in day to day lives. But without it, we can open our minds, lye down, think about random stuff and come up with our own ideas! And that'll be so great. That's what great scientists like Albert Einstein did. I am not telling that internet is bad. I am telling you that we always need to find positive aspects in every situation, whether it is positive or negative.
But yeah, whatever I say, life without internet will be terrible, at least for a day!

To read Part-2, which is also based on a very interesting topic, CLICK BELOW NOW!

So, as always, thanks for reading and for more What Ifs, follow us here.
Created By: Naman Dwivedi
Thanks for reading!

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