WHAT IF...? | EP.02 | What If The Moon Blasted And There Was No Moon?

What If...? | Special Scientific Series Of Blogs | EP.02
Hello there! Welcome, to the Enlightened Wisdom: Smart SCIENCE'S, What If...? Episode 2! Scientific Doubts Series! Here you will find answers to some crazy questions that you think is mind blowing! Welcome! So, let's start!

What If...? | EP.02 | What If The Moon Disappeared?


Okay, So Let's Begin

Have you ever thought what if the moon blasted and the earth had no moons?

There are many theories regarding it and moon has been neglected has a small useless ball for many years, but when the result came out from the “what if”, the answer was astonishing.

Let’s understand it more clearly. The moon is Earth’s natural satellite and revolves around the earth just like earth revolves around the sun.  


The Moon

We all have seen the moon isn't it? Whenever the word Moon pops up in my mind, I always think of a beautiful crescent moon that's there in the sky! It’s so awesome! Well, to start off, you should know some of the Moon Facts. So let's get started!

1) Diameter: 3474.8 Kilometers.

2) Distance from Earth : 384,000 Kilometers.

3) Day length: 29 Days, 12 Hours and 44 Minutes!

(That's a lot when compared to Earth. A day is simply one complete rotation of earth on its own axis. But the moon takes a lot of time!)

4) Mass: 0.012 of Earth.

5) Density: 0.61 of Earth.

6) Surface temperature: Maximum: 100 degree Celsius, Minimum: -170 degree Celsius.



Did you also know that moon has its own gravity as well?

Fact: It also has a formula -  Fg = Fgm1m2/r2

Well, what is gravity?

The force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass.

And the same gravity is so important that it is what that keeps earth’s seas and oceans remain MOSTLY still. 


What If The Moon Disappeared?

To understand the whole concept clearly, we know that The Sun and the Moon both have gravity. There gravity is what makes the earth remain in its orbit. 

So, if there were EITHER of the two, then the earth would have started shaking in a vigorous manner. There would be seasons upcoming every hour. There would be floods and droughts etc.

If there were NEITHER of the two, then the situation would’ve been even worse. Our earth would’ve no sun to revolve around. There would be no gravity pulling or pushing each other. Without the moon, there would be disasters everywhere and without the Sun, there would be no organic life. There would be just night and no day. The Earth would become way much cold to support life.

We will discuss more on the Sun in our next episode!

So, don’t think moon as a simple ball because it has major roles in the maintenance of earth. 

Also, without the moon, there would be neither lunar nor solar eclipse to see because there will be no natural satellite to block the sun and give out an eclipse.

An eclipse is an astronomical event. It is when one object in the sky moves into the shadow of another such object. The term eclipse is most often used to describe a solar eclipse, when the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface, or a lunar eclipse, when the Moon moves into the shadow of Earth.

So, this is not the only cause if there was no moon. Another crazy event that would occur is that as there would be no moon, the earth’s rotational speed would speed up because it was the moon which actually slowed down the earth’s rotation. That means there would be 6 to 10 hours in a day and more than 1000 days in a year!

So, with this we clearly understand the effect of moon when it is destroyed. No wonder, the moon inspires a lot of poets by its beauty and its power as well. Great Nature!



In this Episode we understood the following -

What If The Moon Blasted And There Was No Moon?


Change Of Gravity In Earth

Earth would spin a lot faster than now.

Seasonal Changes every hour.

Floods and droughts everywhere.

Fewer hours in a day. (Approximately 6-12)

More than thousands of days in a year.

No solar or lunar eclipses.

Global Degradation


So, in this module, we understood what will be the effects if there was no moon and now we know the importance of the moon.

But don’t worry; our moon will never blast, at least for a million of years.


So, This was the blog of the month - January's What If...?
I hope you'll now understand how important is our Moon. We only love about the beauty of the moon but we ignore the fact that it has so many responsibilities for Earth!
To Read Part - 1, Which is also based on an interesting topic, Click below!
So, thanks for reading and for more what ifs, follow us here.
Created By: Naman Dwivedi
Thanks For Reading!



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