Top 20 Amazing General Knowledge Facts | How Was The Earth Formed? | The Mysterious Minute

Introducing Enlightened FACTS! Here you will find short, crisp and mind blowing facts from around the world!

Amazing facts - to amaze your friends. 

#1) The lighter was invented much before the invention of matchstick. And we humans thought of the matchstick to be the tool used to light things up way before in the past.
#2) The microwave was invented accidentally when the inventor saw that the waves coming from his radar had melted his chocolate in his pocket! What a coincidence!
#3) The First computer mouse was made of wood. And see how the technology has improved today!
#4) India was the richest country in GDP uptill the 18th century when the British came into the picture and destroyed India's vast wealth. But still, it is a very glorious fact that India used to be the king of the richest people sometime ago!
#5) Ants can lift more than 20 times its weight! And just think how less us humans can lift. Thats because we humans already have our own weight and if we lift even more, then it would be very hard to do so. Whereas ants have paper like weight!
#6) Larrey Page and Sergey Brin worked in a garage that was given to them by the founder of YouTube when they didn't even know that they will be changing the world in the future. And now see how Google and youtube are one of the top most visited websites in the world! Awesome.
#7) Natural gas is a colourless and in its pure form odourless gas which was discarded as worthless for many years. Yet it is one of the most valuable us we have. I don't know why people discarded it in the past? Do you know why? Leave a comment in the form of your answer!
#8) Irradiation is a method of preserving food. It involves bombarding food with Gamma radiation, X rays aur accelerated electrons to kill the microorganisms that make food decay. OMG! Whoa! Thats really cool! Imagine reacting your food in Gamma radiation. But, Only some countries have allowed irradiation to be used for food preservation, others are not yet satisfied that it is entirely effective.
#9) Mars is half the size of the earth but has a mass of only a tenth of Earth. That's not much!
#10) The earth is thought to have been formed about 4.6 billion years ago. A cloud of gas and dust begin to condense under the attraction of gravitational forces to form a solid sphere. After millions of years The Rock crust and the oceans And Atmosphere formed. About 200 million years ago there was a single land mass. It later split into smaller land masses which eventually after millions of years of drift formed the continents that we know today. This is how Earth was formed and it is amazing!
#11) You and I were the Person Of the Year in the Times magazine of 2006. Don't believe?, Go check then! Then, don't say that I did something with Google!
#12) Dolphins sleep with their one eye open. How? The dolphins brain is divided into two parts. The part of the brain of the eye sleeping is in rest, while the part of the brain of the awaken eye is awaken to be aware of its surroundings! That's just awesome, right?
#13) According to Quantum Mechanics, nobody exists in the form of their solid matter in this world. Instead, everyone exists in their waves and particles form! Think deeply, this is a very deep fact..! 
#14) Have you ever thought why Facebook is blue in color? It is because, its owner, Mark Zuckerberg, is color blind and can best see the blue color. That's why, Facebook is always blue! Did you know this fact before!!?
#15) Scientists predict that about 1000 years later, the Earth will look like a metal ball from space because of the development in the technology! Ah! That's a catch!
#16) Do you know, how many people use Google? 10 crore? 100 crore? 300 crore? No,
Google has more than 400 crore users, that is 4 billion! What a big company it is!
#17) Did you know that there are some mysterious 61 seconds in one minute in a year!! OMG!
#18) Did you know that Male Mosquitoes are vegetarians! Only female Mosquitoes bite us so that they can lay eggs! Did you knew it before?
Bonus Fact: Did you know that Mosquitoes that bite you not only just suck your blood but sometimes even urinate/excrete on your skin as well!
#19) Did you know that 5 IPL cricket teams were removed from playing IPL! Those were KOCHI TUSKERS KERALA, PUNE WARRIORS INDIA, DECCAN CHARGERS, GUJURAT LIONS AND RISING PUNE SUPERGIANTS! Did you know this before?
#20) Search "Do a Barrell roll" on Google. Saw the magic!! Amazing right? Did you saw this before!
If you liked these facts, then please do leave down a comment and share our blogs and stay tuned for the next ones!
Thanks for reading!


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