Basic Information You Should Know About Our Planets | Solar System

There are 8 Planets in our Solar System. From Mercury-Neptune and all have their unique features. So let's take a quick trip to know more about are Planets.

Lets start:
1) Mercury: Tilt of Axis: 2.18 Degree
--> Length of Day: 58.7 Earth Days
--> Length of Year: 88 Earth Days
--> No.of Moons: 0
--> The smallest planet in the Solar System.
--> No atmosphere. So, -180 Degree Celsius when it is not facing the Sun. And 420 Degree Celsius when it is facing the Sun.

~Okay, let me explain. First off all there is No ATMOSPHERE so no Green House Effect to keep the planet Warm during the Night time and there is no Ozone Layer, Dust etc. to protect the planet from UV Rays and the planet warms up too much.

2) Venus: Tilt of Axis: 177.4 Degree
--> Length of Day: 243 Earth Days
--> Length of Year: 224.7 Earth Days (A day is bigger compared to a year!)
--> No.of Moons: 0
--> Maximum surface temperature: 460 Degree Celsius
--> So, Hottest planet in the Solar System.
--> Closest planet to Earth.
--> Known as Evil Twin of Earth. (But in Roman Mythology Venus's function was 
encompassed love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory but Planet Venus is Dangerous!!!) 
--> Also known as Evening Star because it is the 2nd brightest object in the evening sky.

3) Earth: Tilt of Axis: 23.4 Degree
--> Length of Day: 23.9 Hours
--> Length of Year: 365.25 Earth Day
--> No.of Moons: 1
Others everyone will be knowing!

4) Mars: Tilt of Axis: 25 Degree
--> Length of Day: 24.6 Hours
--> Length of Year: 687 Earth Days
--> No.of Moons: 2
--> 2nd closest planet to Earth.
--> 2nd smallest planet in the Solar System.
--> It has the biggest Canyon in the Solar System: Valles Marineris.
--> It also has the highest Mountain in the Solar System: Olympus Mons.
--> It is Reddish because of the Rust which is due to the reaction with Iron and Oxygen.

5) Jupiter: Tilt of Axis: 3.1 Degree
--> Length of Day: 9.9 Hours
--> Length of Year: 11.9 Earth Years
--> No.of Moons: 70 Known
--> 3rd brightest object in the night sky.
--> Biggest planet in the Solar System.
--> It is a Gas Giant.
--> It has the biggest storm in the Solar System: The Great Red Spot.

6) Saturn: Tilt of Axis: 26.7 Degree
--> Length of Day: 10.5 Hours
--> Length of Year: 29.5 Earth Years
--> No.of Moons: 62 Known
--> It is less Denser than Water so it Floats!
--> It is a Gas Giant.
--> Saturn as 7 rings made up of Ice, Dust , Rock and Moons.
--> It also has a storm: Saturn's Hexagon.

7) Uranus: Tilt of Axis: 97.7 Degree
--> Length of Day: 17.24 Hours
--> Length of Year: 84.3 Earth years
--> No.of Moons: 27
--> It is a Ice Giant.
--> It is the coldest planet in the Solar System.
--> It orbits the Sun on its sides. So, it looks like it is Rolling on it's side.

8) Neptune: Tilt of Axis: 28.3 Degree
--> Length of Day: 16.1 Hours
--> Length of Year: 164.8 Earth Years
--> No.of Moons: 14
--> It is a Ice Giant.
--> It is the last planet in our Solar System.
--> It has the strongest winds in the Solar System which speeds up to 1,500 Miles per hour! These winds are in the storm known as The Great Dark Spot!

That's it!
If you want to know the names of the moons of different planets read 
Planets And Their Natural Satellites.

~Thank You~


  1. Sir, can you please explain me why is Uranus the coldest planet and not Neptune? Thank you sir.

  2. Uranus average temperature is -198 degree Celsius and Neptune's is -212 degree Celsius, but some times Uranus's temperature may reach up to -220 degree Celsius and the coldest temperature ever recorded is -223 degree Celsius and scientist recorded that in certain occasions Uranus reaches very low temperatures and there is no certain explanation why this happens. But there are many theories why this happens one of them tells this is because of its unique tilt which helps in the losing of Heat into the Space thus becoming the Coldest Planet.

    Happy to Help :)


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