Top 20 Amazing Facts About Bees And Wasps That Will Amaze You!

Today, we are going to explore the Amazing world of Bees and Wasps! So, let's Buzz In!

1) Colour

Not all bees and wasps are black and yellow. Some have brown, red, blue or green bodies.

2) Laying Eggs

A queen honey bee can lay more than thousand eggs in a day!

3) Say Hi to Flowers!

Some species of bees visit more than thousand flowers each day!

4) "Warning!"- Honey Stealer

Wasps cannot make honey on their own, but they sometimes steal honey from bees' nest.

5) Females vs Males

Female bees and female wasps are capable of stinging, but males unfortunately cannot sting.

6) Buzzzing Around

The buzzing sound in a wasp or a bee is created when the bee or the wasp flaps its wings. And more it flaps more the sound.

7) Nest build with Moss

Some species of Bumblebees line their nests with moss.

8) "Alert!!!" Danger

When a wasp or bee stings someone, it makes a smell. This warns the colony of DANGER!!!

9) The Queen's Commands

A queen bee makes and releases smells or gases to tell things to the bees in her hive.

10) Sleep time Wasps

If wasps eat too much ripe fruits, they become too sleepy.

11) Drunk Bees

In Australia when it gets hot, the nectar in some flowers ferments and turns into alcohol. Bees that get drunk from the nectar are not allowed back in their hive-guard bees keep them out to prevent them from making the nectar into alcoholic honey.

12) Wingless Wasps

Female velvet ant wasps, like red velvet wasps don't have any wings, so they cannot fly.

13) Wasps make Pots?

The Potter Wasp builds its nest from mud. It's nests look like a small pot.

14) Nests made by Leaves!

Now wasps and bees build with everything that they find, mud, wood, moss etc. Now the Leafcutting bee places pieces of leaf inside a hole to make a nest.

15) No sleepy time wasps!

Wasps do not sleep, their body systems just slows down, and in winter the female wasps hibernate but don't go to sleep.

16) Blood Group Colour

Bees have a fluid called Hemolymph which is a blood like fluid in insects and bees (Bees are insects). These contains Copper based proteins called Hemocyanins and this gives them a greenish or blue hue.

17) The Whole Body as a Ear!

Bees feel sound by their body. They have sensitive body hair and antennas which help them feel sound. They have no ears.

18) How many Eyes?

Honey Bees have 5 eyes, 2 compound eyes and 3 small ocelli eyes in the centre of its head.

19) Wooden House

The Carpenter Bee makes its nest by chewing a long tunnel into a wood. Bees and Wasps build nests in everything!

20) It's our Area!

Male Wool Carder Bees chase away insects that come to the flowers they feed on.

I hope you learned something new about Bees!

~Thank You~


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