As if we don't have any other job to do? You might say this but let us modify the question a bit. Should you eat yourself, if you are too hungry? Again it sounds stupid because anyone who is hungry would never think to eat himself. But, what if he did?
Say a human is alone on an island where there is nothing, literally nothing to eat or drink. Most probably the human would die in just a couple of days without food and water. In this situation, is it okay to cut off your arm and eat it in order to sustain your life? Let's move this one step ahead: Will you disappear if you eat your body? Wouldn't that be creepy? Well, let's answer these questions more scientifically.
Our body is made up of cells and tissues which are built in order to keep our body going. Cells are basically the most basic fundamental unit of life and tissues are just a collection of cells. They protect our body from invaders which enter through some injury. In this case, the immune system gets activated. And we all know one thing for sure, whenever there is a big injury or even a small cut or bleeding, first there is some pain and second it takes many days or even weeks to get recovered.
Applying this logic to the question of whether you should eat yourself, it becomes clear that even if you wish to cut off your arm and eat for the satisfaction of hunger, you would prematurely die of the pain.
Even if you don't, then here's another scientific reason. Our body is built with a system that whenever there is an injury it quickly tries to heal it as soon as possible. And when you cut off a huge portion of your body, say your arm, then your immune system would have to work so hard to try to reduce your pain and heal it. And doing all this requires a lot of energy. Where will the energy come from? The food you eat. And the energy from the arm which you just ate, will all wash down in healing your body itself. In fact it requires more energy to heal which means at the end of the day, you would be doing a stupid move if you cut off your own arm to satisfy your hunger because it will not only kill you from the pain, but also finish all the energy you had. You'll be left with nothing and the little energy you had to even take breaths would be over. As a result, you finally die. So you won't disappear if you try to do this. Because the game will be over way before you even try it again.
Okay, okay, I know that nobody amongst you is going to do this stupidity and you knew the answer way before that at the end of the day, if anyone does this, would be perished. But the biological science behind this is also necessary to know.
So, its really not a good idea to feast on yourself.
Go eat the food which trees and plants give you and heal your life, forever.
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