1 YEAR Of Enlightened Wisdom: Smart SCIENCE! 🥳 | Etd: 29 September 2021

29 September 2022
Today on 29 September 2022, we have completed 1 Year since the start of this site. Enlightened Wisdom: Smart SCIENCE (Nicknamed as EWSS) was started by Naman Dwivedi (Me) on 29 September 2021 somewhere in the middle of the evening that day.

Our First Logo
This blog/website wouldn't had ever started at the first place itself! Yeah, around the time when I made this blog was the time of my half yearly exams. I mean, they were online of course. And we had 6 subjects to study and give exams. Now, the thing was, exams were about to start around 1 October, I guess, at that day (29 September 2021), I was feeling very bored in the evening. Yeah, the reddish sky slowly was turning into a violet carpet. The sun's rays were getting fainter and fainter and I had no idea what to do. Now of course, some of you might say, "Hey, go study man, your exams are next door!" I studied and studied but I realized that I needed something to keep my mind busy in. Like I wanted to create something simple but yet satisfying. And that's when my mind pondered upon to creating a blog. Now you think that's it? Well, you are not even half way through our history and creation of this website, in fact what you read now itself was not the beginning! Seriously!

The Real and actual history starts from the Month of April 2021 and it was from here, that we got the name for our blog. It was from here, that we knew about Blogger. So actually from the time around April 2021, I saw a guy make a blog on which he was making some knowledgeable posts and articles. I thought it a really cool idea. And the next thing you know, I made one by myself as well. So you might ask, then what website I had created in April if this was launched in September? Well, I had given a lot of thought and time to think for a suitable name for my site and after a lot of thinking, I ended up naming that site as "Enlightened Wisdom: Smart Facts". Yes! And that is where the name of this site got inspired from. Actually even today, I have the link with me, but a huge problem happened. That site got deleted due to age restrictions and some other criteria. I had made some 10 to 15 articles on that site and was actually enjoying making it. But once it got deleted, I was sad because everything got wasted. Even today, if you go to that site, you'll find it removed/deleted. 


Anyways, don't think that Jaya Karthik didn't do anything. He is my close friend and I encouraged him to try out a blog for himself. He actually made one and its still available on the internet. He named his blog as "Bright Knowledge And Facts". We two had tried to do a collaboration some time later but failed due to some technical difficulties. I had had enough of these blogs and decided to quit after the removal of my blog. Jaya Karthik too stopped producing content although he had made just one post. But anyways, things were silent for months after June until that auspicious day, 29 September 2021, when I decided to do a comeback as I was just bored enough. And I don't know but this time, Jaya Karthik joined without any problem and thus that is how Enlightened Wisdom: Smart SCIENCE was founded. We had one more member but he left. We went through like billions of changes and the current model of our website was finalized in December 2021.

Our Current Logo
In this 1 year (September 2021-22), we achieved:
36000+ views
30+ followers
180+ comments
120+ articles. 
Thanks a lot!

And with this, I am going to end this note by saying, that we should always dive deeper into anything that we do. That's why we say, "Dive Deeper In Science, Let's Explore!"

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