


Hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of Hydrogen(H) and Carbon(C). Hydrocarbons are examples of group 14 hydrides. Hydrocarbons are generally colorless and Hydrophobic with only weak odors. Different Hydrocarbons have different energy capabilities and hence use.


Hydrocarbon chains up to 4 Carbon(C) Atoms are gaseous, lighter than air.
*The smallest Hydrocarbon chain is Methane(CH₄).

Hydrocarbon chains more than 4 Carbon Atoms(5-60 Carbon (C) Atoms) are Liquid.
Hydrocarbon chains over 60 Carbon(C) Atoms are solid.


Small chains (less than 5 Carbon Atoms) boiling point is less than 20 Degree Celsius.
Mid chains (5-60 Carbon Atoms) boiling point is less than 400 Degree Celsius.
Large chains (more than 60 Carbon Atoms) boiling point is less than 700 Degree Celsius.

  1. Petroleum Gas (LPG) consists of 4 Carbon Atoms (Boiling Point 20 Degree Celsius).
  2. Petrol consists of 8 Carbon Atoms (Boiling Point 40 Degree Celsius).
  3. Kerosene consists of 12 Carbon Atoms (Boiling Point 70 Degree Celsius).
  4. Diesel (Gas oil) consists of 16 Carbon Atoms (Boiling Point 120 Degree Celsius).
  5. Lubricating Oil consists of 36 Carbon Atoms (Boiling Point 200 Degree Celsius).
  6. Heavy Gas Oil consists of 44 Carbon Atoms (Boiling Point 300 Degree Celsius).
  7. Bitumen consists of 80 Carbon Atoms (Boiling Point 600 Degree Celsius).

To know more about hydrocarbons, watch this video. (EWSS Originals)

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