When we talk about motion, we always need a point of view. Because there is no meaning of motion without a point of view or frame of reference. So, motion as we all see is present in our daily lives and somebody or we see it happen. But what if there is any other world where though you may not see motion, but there are particles at the atomic or microscopic level where there is motion in them. No one wants to stop. Everyone is in a hurry.
So what exactly is motion at the first place? Well, it is simply the action or process of simply being moved or moving. In physics, motion is the change of the position or the orientation of a body with time. Also, motion has to be viewed or has to be seen while happening. Because motion has no meaning without a frame of reference. You can say whether an object is in motion or rest only if you see it. Now motion has a lot of aspects to understand. The first one being...read more.
In physics, Brownian Motion is termed as the random motion of a particle as a result of collisions with surrounding gaseous molecules.
So, what are particles? Particles are the smallest unit that together compose matter. Like say, atoms. They are composed or particles called electrons, protons and neutrons. And when these particles collide with other "fast moving" particles in the medium, the particles go bananas after getting struck. They randomly move here and there thus, the Brownian Motion.

Brown In 1827
The term Brownian motion was first discovered by the Scottish Botanist Robert Brown in 1827, who first observed that pollen grains moved in random directions when placed in water. A given particle appeared equally likely to move in any direction; further motion seemed totally unrelated to past motion, and this motion never stopped. Thus Brown concluded with his discovery of the Brownian Motion.
And that's it!
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