History Of Inventions | Few Early Inventions! | Inventions S01 E02

Few Early Inventions!

At the first the tools were made up of hard stones. These stones was chipped and shaped into tools. Then after few years people discovered that rocks contains metals. They heated these rocks to extract the metals. After they obtained the metal they reheated it a poured it into a mold to make a tool, which were much stronger.

Bronze Tools
About 5,500 years ago, in Asia, the Mesopotamian learned to mix metals together to make it even stronger. Copper and Tin were mixed together to make Bronze, and these bronze was melted and poured into the molds. This process is called casting. This started the Bronze age.

Iron Tools
About 1,900 years ago, people in Mesopotamia discovered that they could remove Iron from its ores by heating the ores in extreme heat. This process is called smelting. And by smelting iron they got stronger tools like swords. And this started the Iron age.  

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