History Of The Space | Looking At Space | Introduction

For many years people have been amazed by the twinkling stars in the black carpet of Space. Throughout the years , astronomers studied the stars, the planets, our neighbors and many other Galaxies. In time we developed instruments to look into space, stars and studied their movements. As we developed we made Theories about our Earth and the Universe.

Now Nicolaus Copernicus who made the Theory that the Earth and the other planets orbited around the sun, because the people of that time taught Earth is in the center of the universe and the Sun orbited Earth.  

We discussed about the invention of telescope in our blog on the topic Lenses | What Are Lenses? | Types Of Lenses | Special Invention! | Children's Day Special | Inventions - 8 | Enlightened Wisdom: Smart SCIENCE. This invention improved our observation of our solar system and made the Theory of Copernicus to become true!

Now Star Gazing at night is a beautiful sight in the villages because the cities have bright city light that stops the light of the star to reach! Now when we star gaze we can see thousands of shiny stars and our natural satellite- MOON. And if you have a telescope you might see even more stars and our neighbors which are the planets.

~Thank You~

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