Asexual And Sexual Reproduction | Cell Reproduction | Twins | Science Specials Week S03 E07

Every organism in the universe has a certain number of Chromosomes in their cells, and every organism reproduce in two main modes- Sexual and Asexual Reproduction. But before we study about Asexual and Sexual Reproduction we have to know about Cell Reproduction.

Cell Reproduction

Remember the last time when you had a cut or a bruise. Now, is there any bleeding in that place? If I am correct, the skin would have regrown or repaired itself. Cells reproduce all the time. Cell reproduce by dividing in two. The two new cells are called daughter cells and they look exactly the same. This process is called Mitosis.

~Let us understand the process of Mitosis:

First, the chromosomes in the nucleus of the parent cell make exact copies of themselves. This is done because each daughter cell will get the exact number of chromosomes as their parent cell. After that the nuclear membrane of the parent cell disappears, and the two sets of chromosomes spread out into the cytoplasm. One set goes to one side and the other set goes to the other side. Then the middle part of the cell pinches together and the parent cell breaks apart into two daughter cells. And at last the daughter cells develop its new cell membrane and other organelles.
Remember: Humans have 46 Chromosomes or 23 Pairs of Chromosomes

Asexual Reproduction

In this type of reproduction the organism makes exact copies of their nuclei and chromosomes and they split into half, and the offspring looks exactly alike its Parents. Here Mitosis takes place, and this type of reproduction is similar to cell reproduction.

Sexual Reproduction

In this type of reproduction two cells join together, one from each parent to make the offspring. For this the male sex cell "Sperm" and the female sex cell "Ovum or Egg" join together. Now these Sex cells have half the number of chromosomes than means in humans they have 23 chromosomes. This is because when both the sex cells combine with each other the 23 chromosomes from the sperm and 23 from the ovum combine to make 46 chromosomes, the full set. Here the offspring look different from their parents because the chromosomes from the mother and father combine to make a unique gene. Thus, the offspring looks different and unique from others.


Fraternal Twins
Fraternal Twins are born when the mother produces two separate eggs. Both the eggs are fertilised by the sperm.

Identical Twins
Identical Twins form when the fertilised egg split into two and grow separately in their mother. Here the twins have almost the exact genes.

~Thank You~

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